Deckalized Launchpad (from MidiFighter Mapping)
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  1. #1
    Tech Guru Str8upDrew's Avatar
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    Default Deckalized Launchpad (from MidiFighter Mapping)

    So i've been working on this for a few days, and i'm finally done.
    A 4 deck (deckalized) launchpad. Each 4x4 grid works just like the midifighter deckalized mapping.

    Download here...

    Mapping (just multiply by 4)

    For info on how this works check this thread...

    And this video...

    There are some issues with the lights for the loops not working, they'll work sometimes but and sometimes they won't. Feel free to try and fix this, but i'm probably not going to, as i really like the 4 deck mapping i'm using, and i just made this for the forum/fun. The rest works perfect. Light feed back and all. The zip file i'm uploading has a .tsi for each deck, as well as a .tsi for the whole thing. I did this in case someone only wanted 2 decks, then they could use the rest of the buttons for something else.

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor
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    Bay Area, CA.


    Thanks! Going to give this a go right now.

  3. #3
    Tech Guru
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    Feb 2009


    works great indeed. there is also an issue in juggle mode, only every second cue point lights up when mapped. at any rate very cool, thanks!

    actually its so much fun to use, i might sit down and map out all 4 decks via bome's, so that i can use the official mapping. seems like that might be the better long term approach in case they tweak the official MF mapping, because the midi notes on the launchpad and MF obviously will not change.
    Traktor Pro 2.5.0, Mixxx 1.9.1, Massive, Ableton Live 8
    MBP 15" 8GB RAM OS 10.7.4, Audio Kontrol 1, Audio 2 DJ, Sennheiser HD-25 II
    DJTT VCI-100SE Arcade, Akai LDP8, M-Audio Pro Keystation 88, Novation Launchpad, iTM DJ | | | digitaldj planet | digitaldj music

  4. #4
    Tech Guru Str8upDrew's Avatar
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    Cincinnati, OH


    That's the way the leds light up on the midi fighter in juggle mode. It's so you can tell the difference between juggle mode, and re-sample/sample chop mode which has them all lit.

  5. #5
    Tech Guru
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    Feb 2009


    ah ok. isnt the difference visible based on if the sampler button is lid or not? but of course if only the buttons light up that are mapped and no buttons are mapped you might not know you are in juggle mode. then again, usually when you go into juggle mode you want immediate map some hot cue points.

    ah well .. will test this with the "original" mapping and give my feedback to ean.

    thanks again!
    Traktor Pro 2.5.0, Mixxx 1.9.1, Massive, Ableton Live 8
    MBP 15" 8GB RAM OS 10.7.4, Audio Kontrol 1, Audio 2 DJ, Sennheiser HD-25 II
    DJTT VCI-100SE Arcade, Akai LDP8, M-Audio Pro Keystation 88, Novation Launchpad, iTM DJ | | | digitaldj planet | digitaldj music

  6. #6
    Tech Guru Str8upDrew's Avatar
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    Cincinnati, OH


    OK, so i was playing around with this the other day, and it seems there are more problems than i first noticed. I'm pretty busy the rest of July, but should have some free time in august to get this all sorted out.

  7. #7


    Did this ever get updated? Just curious.

    Dig the concept.

  8. #8
    Tech Wizard
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    Dec 2010


    I Actually completed porting two decks of Instant Gratification,
    Mapped to TopLeft TopRight (Device Target)
    I use individual TSIs for each with the Launchpad i didn't need to implement MultiBank
    mode since we have a 8x8. I mapped everything to channel 1, probably shouldn't have
    since default is channel 5, but i just morph the channel in Ableton. I could remap again
    but i am lazy. I also tweaked it just a tiny bit so any docs still apply....

    1. Eliminated "Bank 1-4" , kept Effect Lock, so three open pads on top row for now.
    2. Added a beat phase meter on upper row
    3. Added a play/pause out LED state to upper left corners corresponding to Effect Lock

    I also ported the standard deckalized to all four corners too.
    top Left, top Right, bottom Left, bottom Right

    I also have a Track/Browser Loader/EQ kill with Lock mapping for the circular buttons
    This one is rather proper in the LED states and function.

    However I am not happy with the LED states on any of this with launchpad.
    I have the complete breakout of all LED states and modes so I'm working
    on a coherent LED feedback modality and more importantly on a color initialization
    routine so when i switch from Ableton modes to USER1, it will set all the states luck yet

    Oh yeah this completely preserves the function of the built in functions of the
    Launchpad. I'm using this with Ableton and Traktor at the same time.

    I will create a bangup post with the TSIs soon enough


  9. #9
    Tech Wizard
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    Dec 2010

    Default Ableton+Traktor LaunchPad TSI

    WARNING, these are meant to be used thru ableton to launchpad.
    Meaning they work for the DEFAULT LAUNCHPAD User 1 mode.
    They are all mapped to channel 1.

    I do not support these, i will answer basic questions.

    I have tested them but i have one bug i can't kill, sndA
    lights up and gets stuck.

    Last edited by l0rdr0ck; 02-17-2011 at 02:19 AM.

  10. #10


    What do you mean, is ableton the slave INTO traktor?

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