CHEATING - playing songs from 1 record label? - Page 2
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  1. #11
    Tech Wizard Amadan's Avatar
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    I wouldn't worry that much if 28 guys liked my mix and I got flamed from one guy. If it was the other way round then maybe!

    I remember many many years ago Sasha was flamed by people saying he chose tracks that were easy to mix together!

  2. #12
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SirReal View Post
    Nice list of labels. I collect all of them. You got any mixes from one house head to another?
    i am working on a deep house mix as we speak...should have it finished tonight or tomorrow...

  3. #13
    Tech Mentor
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    I don't understand why people would moan, surely the art of track selection/mixing leads you to choose two (or more) tracks that fit together rather than two that don't.

    I can understand people moaning if a DJ plays a whole set by the same artist (unless they are the artist in question) but from the same label? I can't see why that is a problem.

    Macbook/Hercules Steel/Audio 2

  4. #14
    Tech Mentor Kid Quest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djalexlaine View Post
    it isnt cheating, it does mean he isnt well versed in the music though. if all you are playing is 1 or 2 labels. it probably shows that he doesnt do much searching.
    This. Lol. I thought the question about this being cheating was a joke at first lol. I'm surprised so many people are taking this question seriously. The set would lack variety, but I don't see in any way how it's cheating. First dj's want to dictate how you can play your music and now that want to tell you what music you can play too. bs.

  5. #15
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    Reminds me of hixxy's mix on bonkers 7, it was 16 or so songs and 14 were from the same label (b trax). I don't think it's cheating, but it might get repetitive.

    On a side note, auto beat match isn't cheating depending on how you use it

  6. #16
    Tech Mentor Kid Quest's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ClumsyMoe View Post
    Reminds me of hixxy's mix on bonkers 7, it was 16 or so songs and 14 were from the same label (b trax). I don't think it's cheating, but it might get repetitive.

    On a side note, auto beat match isn't cheating depending on how you use it
    Haha. Auto beat matching isn't cheating period. It's funny that that even comes up on a predominately traktor forum. Djing is not a competition. You don't earn points. You don't win or lose.This isn't a sport. So, how can you cheat playing music? The only thing I see as legitimately cheating is pretending to do something live that actually isn't live at all because then you are just pretending you are doing things that you aren't.

  7. #17
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    not to turn this into a bigger arguement...but i disagree that it would lack if you're playing all TidyTraxx...then well maybe...

    depends on what label you are pulling from...

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Quest View Post
    Haha. Auto beat matching isn't cheating period. It's funny that that even comes up on a predominately traktor forum. Djing is not a competition. You don't earn points. You don't win or lose.This isn't a sport. So, how can you cheat playing music? The only thing I see as legitimately cheating is pretending to do something live that actually isn't live at all because then you are just pretending you are doing things that you aren't.
    Well it might not be cheating, but if you are just doing normal song in song out mixing and aren't beatmatching, then you can at least be called lazy. I'm not going after people who use sync (I use it since the faders on my VCI 100 are a bit course for my tastes), but what if you go to a club and get asked to use CDJs? Can you mix just as good with manual beatmatching as you can with sync?

    Oh well, we really need a sticky to keep the sync debates in or something.

  9. #19
    Tech Wizard Kh3MiC4L's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kid Quest View Post
    Djing is not a competition. You don't earn points. You don't win or lose.This isn't a sport.
    Its also dosent give you a superior social status !
    Also if you check on one of the last poll most ppl here are bedroom dj mostly just for fun and not being cocky.
    Last edited by Kh3MiC4L; 08-14-2010 at 06:13 PM.
    2011 MacBookPro 13" i7
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  10. #20
    Tech Guru
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    Some labels, Toolroom included, have such a wide range of artists that it would be just as hard to mix all toolroom records as it would to mix in with other labels. I mean if you playing only Mark Knight tracks ok he has a very distinct style and will be very very easy to make it all sound good together but very few artists like to stick to one style and/or sound. So what if he played 3 tracks from the same label a lot of artists will release the same track on many different labels at different times so if you are going to play anything popular why should you have to check what labels has this track been released under and make sure that you don't play one of those labels tracks next cause some anonymous person on the internet said so. I love it when people can critique a performance but just bashing someone that goes against everything were supposed to be doing. It's about the music and how it makes you feel. If it sounds good to you great if you can get a entire room of people to rock out to it fantastic. There are so many songs I love and I can remember the exact place I was when I heard it and the emotions they can evoke from me is wondrous. That's what I try to do to every single person out there when I play music, wether it's an entire room or one person at a time. I try to project that absolute joy of music to them and allow them to enjoy the music as much as I do. The notion that you should somehow be constrained by someones arbitrary rule is maddening.

    P.S. Sorry for the horrible structure and grammar writing was never my strong suit

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