Simple yet important question about S4
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  1. #1

    Default Simple yet important question about S4

    Does the new kontrol s4 support i3 processors?

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor Wickedsight's Avatar
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    Apr 2010
    Amsterdam, Netherlands


    Imo it would be quite stupid for NI to release a controller that isn't working with the current line of intel CPU's. So I'd bet my bollocs that they support all the ix type processors.

    Also, as far as I know, the controller uses HID, which is the same platform mice and keyboards use. And I've never had a usb mouse stup working because I upgraded my processor.

    These are just my opinions though, so who knows...
    MBP 13" - Kontrol S4 - nanoKontrol - DHJ-500 - Hercules DJ Console MK1
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    Quote Originally Posted by space monkey View Post
    Hi Karlos! I have a lawnmower, do you like grapes?

  3. #3


    Just worries because the requirements don't specify it supports it.

  4. #4
    Tech Convert
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    Jul 2010


    The requirements usually specify the minimum and/or recommended specs, and since the new intels are brand new, it would be stupid to say that it recommends the highest CPUs.

  5. #5


    very true.

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