Midi2LCD v0.1 - Windows only.
You don't actually need a usb LCD like I'm using in the video above. The included "LCD Smartie" program will emulate the LCD screen whilst you tweak things (or wait for your LCD screen to arrive in the post!).
First of all you're going to need a virtual midi port utility - I recommend LoopBe1 (which is free). Next, download and extract http://www.nicholas-johnson.com/stuff/Midi2LCD.zip somewhere and then run Traktor. Setup Traktor as per "how to setup Traktor.jpg". Next run "LCDSmartie.exe" followed by "Midi2LCD_v0.1.exe".
Midi2LCD will now ask you to setup the midi ports - make sure you choose LoopBe as your midi input (or whatever virtual midi port software you're using). DON'T choose the same midi port as your output otherwise you'll get a feedback loop.
If you've done all of the above correctly, you should now see the VU meters in Traktor being displayed on the LCD Smartie simulated screen (as well as on your USB LCD screen, if you have one).
I've enclosed the source files in the zip file - anyone who knows how to use AHK should edit \Midi2LCD\LCDSmartie\AHK\source\MidiRules.ahk if they want to add extra midi functions.
Original post:
First of all, maximum respect to thelpb who gave me the idea for this project (he's working on the same thing himself). My LCD's arrived in the post this morning so I thought I'd knock something together in Autohotkey rather than wait for him to finish his midi dll for LCD Smartie. Anyway, nevermind all the technical stuff... check the proof of concept video out: (excuse the quality)
So yeah, it's a bit rough around the edges at the moment and only displays midi CC values (0-127)... once I've worked on it some more it should look more like a traditional VU meter, more like:
for anyone who's interested in building a DIY controller with one of these built in, do it! the LCD screen's are very cheap: http://lcdmodkit.com/lcd/U162MB-A1.htmlCode:Deck A []|||||||||||| [] Deck B []|||||| []
I'll be uploading the scripts and a how-to later, once it's a bit more polished looking