Did a forum search, didn't find results I was looking for...

Getting into DJing, so my music collection has taken on a new importance. My current backup system is a 1TB firewire drive for Time Machine on my Macbook Pro + Carbonite for an online backup.

However, just to be extra safe, I double checked to make sure Carbonite was backing up my music collection, and realized that Carbonite does NOT back up media files automatically. You have to specifically tell it to do so, and I don't trust it to back up new things I add to certain areas. It also, when you tell it to back up folders with video files, does not automatically select the files themselves in a folder, even worse than audio.

Are there ANY automatic online backup services similar to Carbonite that don't make it such a huge pain in the ass? I just want to say, "Yes, copy this ENTIRE drive, no exception, dig?"