The BIG Arduino MIDI controller thread - Page 9
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  1. #81
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Default Thanks for the thread and a MIDI to current question


    I've now got plenty of info to start planning a conversion of an analogue mixing console into a DAW controller. Thanks a lot for this thread. The trouble was, I was looking into what they're selling and most come with only 8 faders. Most of my tracks got anywhere between 40-60 tracks and usually I got around 20 drum tracks in the mix so.. the other option was a 24 fader controller for $2800.

    But a question came up.

    Since I'm going to send the MIDI output data into a MIDI controller with 4 inputs/outputs, is there a way to have the logic board read the MIDI data, feed it digitally say to an IC chip which transforms into DC current so I can have motorized faders? I can fix some little stuff and solder a motherboard or build some premade package but I'm quite poor and looking for components or making my own schematics.

    Would it be possible? If I want to make, say, a 0,5-1dB adjustment on a mouse it would go back to the fader so the mixer and DAW are in perfect sync.


    From Finland

  2. #82
    Tech Convert
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    Dec 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by valo View Post
    Since I'm going to send the MIDI output data into a MIDI controller with 4 inputs/outputs, is there a way to have the logic board read the MIDI data, feed it digitally say to an IC chip which transforms into DC current so I can have motorized faders? I can fix some little stuff and solder a motherboard or build some premade package but I'm quite poor and looking for components or making my own schematics.

    Would it be possible? If I want to make, say, a 0,5-1dB adjustment on a mouse it would go back to the fader so the mixer and DAW are in perfect sync.


    From Finland
    "The logic board". Which one? You havent actually mentioned what sort of brain/circuit what this is intended to be run off.

    As for motorised faders, you first have to work out a way to make you DAW actually output MIDI when you move a fader.

    Then you'd have to route this out of the PC and to the device, read the CC, read the current CC of the physical control and compare the difference. Then you'd have to calculate how much power/time the motor needs to get to where it needs to go. Can you program an arduino well? If so you have a chance of succeeding at this.

    Not to mention the cost, >£10 per fader, and the fact that if a fader should become stuck and you don't have any circuitry to protect against that, they could burn themselves out when trying to move.

    If you have a plan that addresses these points then best of luck.

  3. #83


    Great thread! I'm currently working on a pair of controllers for a college project; one is a midi-fighter clone with a distance sensor and fader. The other is an NES-shaped 8 button controller paired with an accelerometer for motion control. I have a stretch goal to make it MIDI-compatible, but that might not be realistic in my project time frame (I'll definitely add it once I've graduated). I might make a build thread if time allows, and I'll definitely post any useful bits of code I discover over the next few weeks

  4. #84
    Tech Guru calgarc's Avatar
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    here is my bad ass arduino doodad i have been working on the past few years

  5. #85
    Tech Wizard
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    I am in almost the same position. I am mechanical, and I am building the case for a controller, but I am also working on the internals. I also have the arduino mega, and I have been looking into methods of making it an HID device. Here are a couple things I found that others in this position might be interested in:

  6. #86
    Tech Mentor
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    Oct 2012


    Quote Originally Posted by Taxable fern View Post
    I am in almost the same position. I am mechanical, and I am building the case for a controller, but I am also working on the internals. I also have the arduino mega, and I have been looking into methods of making it an HID device.
    If I understood right - you're having troubles with converting serial USB data to MIDI? If yes - this is my solution:

    1) install Serial2MIDI
    2) install LoopBe1 or LoopBe30
    3) select the right ports in Serial2MIDI app and that's it - you can feed the MIDI data directly to Traktor, Ableton or any other software capable of MIDI learning.

    Of course I would've preferered native MIDI out-of-the-box on Arduino but this works just fine.

    If the answer to first question is no then just skip all this.

  7. #87


    Here's my finished controller.


    16 x Arcade buttons
    1 x IR distance sensor
    1 x 2 x 2 Sparkfun button pad

    The housing is just some old pine wood and MDF on top. Its a little flimsy and there's more flex in it than I would like, but its perfectly usable. The arcade buttons are a bit (OK, a lot) of a let down; I got them from Cool Components (UK) and they QA on them is obviously extremely sub-par. There's a huge amount of variation in the springs - some feel really stiff and others are almost too soft. The biggest issue, however, is that some of them bounce like crazy. Most of them work fairly consistently, but even at 100ms debounce time some still fire twice or even three times on a single press, which gets very annoying very quickly.

    The sparkfun button pad is a lot more fun than I though they would be. I'll definitely be looking into using them again for a larger project (maybe a monome clone?). As for the arcade buttons; that's a lesson well learned. Stick to known good brands like Sanwa

  8. #88
    Join Date
    Apr 2013


    I notice a lot of messages regarding work arounds for the Arduino connecting as a MIDI device. I'd recommend taking a look at the Teensy (2++ or 3) to save you a lot of hassle. It already has the MIDI HID capability in its firmware and it is fully compatible with the Arduino library. Check it out:

    One thing to keep in mind is that the Teensy 3 is not 5v tolerant like the arduino so if you have a 5v component look at the Teensy 2++. Theres a good tutorial for MIDI here:

  9. #89


    Solution for scan analog pots state

    To have HID/MIDI without so many complication (and ipad compatibility), check arduino Leonardo. It is the first which has usb native port, no messing with FDTI or A8U...

    I prefer teensy boards over arduino but shields make the latest more abordable to noobs.


  10. #90
    Tech Mentor
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    Sep 2013


    I think the teensy boards and the arduino boards both have their merits. the leonardo is really just plug and play, no worrying about soldering to the board and you can pick them up for about £10. The teensy 2.0 is incredibly small but as has been mentioned, it already has stuff for usb midi, it does require soldering as well. Although, for anything more than just an arduino and some buttons, you'll probably end up doing some soldering no matter what.

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