[windows] My S4 Diary: Prepping for and setting up my S4 - Page 10
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  1. #91
    DJTT Scribe Mod smiTTTen's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by petegt View Post
    The thread is filled with people thanking author, more useful tips but also allot of un constructive comments such as 'get a mac' or people that have failed to optimise basic hardware or windows settings usually by not following instructions and guides.

    I'm guessing your the proud owner of a mac?
    Actually, no one has thanked me in days!
    Beats By Dre is like audio flu for your balls.

  2. #92
    Tech Convert Boogiepop's Avatar
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    I was wondering about the necessity of partitioning my HDD if I intend to only use this laptop for audio oriented progs (i . g . Traktor, Ableton, etc) and minor web access for updates and music downloads?

    Anyway, this post was incredible and actually inspired me to reconfigure my notebook. Thanks to smittten and petegt for the walk - thru / vid tutorials ✌

  3. #93
    DJTT Scribe Mod smiTTTen's Avatar
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    One of the benefits of partitioning is that it enables the user to deploy only the components they need for a given environment. If you are just going to be using it for audio apps etc then your probably don't need a separate partition. If the web access portion grows to the point where you think you need stuff like anti-virus/spam s/w then you might consider splitting them out.

    I personally like additional partitions as it provides a safety net if one of them becomes corrupted and you want to be able to switch to another quickly without going through the install/restore/recovery process.

    There's trade offs all the way around - just find what feels the most comfortable, manageable and affordable.

    Last edited by smiTTTen; 05-14-2011 at 08:55 PM.
    Beats By Dre is like audio flu for your balls.

  4. #94
    Tech Mentor
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    Hi smittten and petegt, both of ur posts are very informative. Rather then post a new thread i would like to ask something here regarding a new laptop running on windows 7 os and the s4.

    Some background info 1st. Im about to get a new laptop, most probably a windows 7 laptop as thats wat im comfortable with, and plan to use it for general purposes + sch work + bedroom djing. Specs wise i doubt it would be an issue as i would be getting something on the higher end.

    If i was to create 2 users and NOT partition my hdd, thereby having 1 for general usage / sch work and 1 solely for Traktor 2 / DJing, and optimise the djing account by fine tuning it for traktor and audio processes, such as through msconfig and changing usb power management and what not. Would this be a viable option to reduce the amount of audio drop outs/cackles etc?

    I understand that ultimately, a partitioned hdd would fare better. But just wondering, cause i dun rly wanna partition it. Thanks!

  5. #95
    DJTT Scribe Mod smiTTTen's Avatar
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    Good Question!

    Creating to separate users will separate out the access right and user experience but I am pretty sure that it's not going to give you any extra performance gains for Traktor as the drivers and services will still load up.

    I am not sure why you wouldn't want to partition your disk. If you can provide some more information I may be able to help a little more.

    Beats By Dre is like audio flu for your balls.

  6. #96
    Tech Mentor
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    If however, i was to disable all the external programs/services, configure the resources and what not, etc etc and thereby tuning the windows 7 OS solely for the djing user account, your saying it wouldnt make a difference in terms of performance for TP2? Just asking.

    Well just that i can forsee myself messing around a lil bit on TP2 while using some of the general user accounts data. Like, while studying or just messing ard. Having to reboot via another partition would be problematic. As u can c, im not that knowledgable bout the new partitioning stuff. Still stuck in the old, "reformat to partition" thing. It looks real simple now though. Am on IE finding info now though.

  7. #97
    DJTT Scribe Mod smiTTTen's Avatar
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    7500 views!!! I'm like famous or something....

    Gonna call my agent.
    Beats By Dre is like audio flu for your balls.

  8. #98
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    Thank you Mr Smitten. I'm glad some one is nice enough to help the Mac-less among us!

    And a question. Saw something about using an SD card as xtra ram. What is your take on that?

  9. #99
    DJTT Scribe Mod smiTTTen's Avatar
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    Default Updated Windows Script from Trancicted

    @Echo off
    ECHO. Welcome to the DJTT Windows Optimizer for Pro Audio v1.018
    ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
    ECHO. Press 2 if you want to restore everything for normal use
    echo. Press 3 if you want to install RAM Saver Pro
    ECHO. Press 4 to quit
    Set /p input=What do you want to do?

    IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
    IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Restore
    IF %Input% == 3 GOTO Install
    IF %Input% == 4 Goto Quit

    ECHO. If needed, you have to click on download.
    start http://www65.zippyshare.com/d/300326...amsaverpro.exe
    ping -n 1 -w 30000 > nul
    Echo. The Ram Saver pro installer will be launched now! Install the program as usual!
    start C:\Users\%Username%\Downloads\ramsaverpro.exe
    ping -n 1 -w 25000 > nul
    ECHO. Ram Saver Pro has been installed
    ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
    ECHO. Press 2 if you want to restore everything for normal use
    ECHO. Press 3 to quit
    Set /p input=What do you want to do?

    IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
    IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Restore
    IF %Input% == 3 Goto Quit

    ECHO. Optimizing your computer now!
    rem Disabling your wifi
    set /p hardwareID= What is the hardware ID of your Wifi card? Also make you have devcon installed! For instructions, visit http://www.djtechtools.com/forum/sho...d.php?p=304909
    devcon disable *%hardwareID%*

    rem Defragmentating your RAM
    if exist "C:\Program Files\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe" start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
    if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe" start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"

    rem Stopping Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
    net stop mpssvc
    net stop windefend
    net stop "avast! Antivirus"

    rem Stopping DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
    net stop WinHttpAutoProxySvc
    net stop dhcp
    net stop wlansvc

    rem Stopping Other Network Related Services...
    net stop "dns cache"
    net stop netprofm
    net stop nlasvc
    net stop netman
    net stop iphlpsvc
    net stop lanmanworkstation
    net stop "Bonjour Service"
    net stop dhcp
    net stop nsi
    net stop lanmanserver
    net stop lmhosts
    net stop "shared access"
    net stop nettcpportsharing
    net stop remoteaccess
    net stop alg
    net stop bits
    net stop peerdistsvc
    net stop certpropsvc
    net stop homegrouplistener
    net stop homegroupprovider
    net stop winrm
    net stop Broswer
    net stop TrkWks

    rem Stopping other Windows Services...
    net stop wscsvc
    net stop DPS
    net stop CscService
    net stop WPDBusEnum
    net stop ProtectedStorage
    net stop RemoteRegistry
    net stop seclogon
    net stop wscsvc

    rem Stopping Blue Tooth Services
    net stop bthserv

    rem Stopping Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
    net stop sessionenv
    net stop termservice

    rem Stopping Windows Update Services
    net stop wuauserv

    rem Stopping iPod Services
    net stop "ipod service"
    net stop "Apple Mobile Device"

    rem Stopping Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
    net stop themes
    net stop sensrsvc
    net stop AeLookupSvc
    net stop UxSms

    rem Stopping Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
    net stop stisvc

    rem Stopping Windows Media Playing Sharing...
    net stop WMPnetworksvc

    rem Stopping Tablet Device Support...
    net stop tabletinputservice

    rem Stopping Other Windows Services...
    net stop bdesvc
    net stop wbengine
    net stop uiodetect
    net stop defragsvc
    net stop axinstsv
    net stop "w32time"
    net stop wercplsupport
    net stop PnkBstrA
    net stop TeamViewer6
    net stop HPSLPSVC
    net stop Wsearch
    net stop osppsvc

    rem Stopping Printer Services
    net stop spooler

    rem stopping useless programs
    Taskkill /f /im TeamViewer.exe
    Taskkill /im firefox.exe
    Taskkill /f /im uTorrent.exe
    Taskkill /f /im Dropbox.exe
    Taskkill /f /im steam.exe
    Taskkill /f /im "AAM Updates Notifier.exe"
    Taskkill /f /im AvastUI.exe
    Taskkill /f /im hpqtra08.exe
    Taskkill /f /im hpwuschd2.exe
    Taskkill /f /im ctfmon.exe

    rem Stop defragmentating RAM
    Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe

    ECHO. Your PC has been optimized
    ECHO. Press 1 if you want to restore everything for normal use
    ECHO. Press 2 to quit
    Set /p input=What do you want to do?

    IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Restore
    IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit

    ECHO. Restoring everything for normal use!
    rem Enabling your wifi
    set /p hardwareID= What is the hardware ID of your Wifi card? Also make you have devcon installed! For instructions, visit http://www.djtechtools.com/forum/sho...d.php?p=304909
    devcon enable *%hardwareID%*

    rem Defragmentating your RAM
    if exist "C:\Program Files\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe" start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"
    if exist "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe" start "DJ Script" "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinTools Software\RAM Saver Professional\ramsaverpro.exe"

    rem Starting Windows Firewall, Windows Defender and Avast!...
    net start mpssvc
    net start windefend
    net start "avast! Antivirus"

    rem Starting DHCP Client and Wireless LAN...
    net start WinHttpAutoProxySvc
    net start dhcp
    net start wlansvc

    rem Starting Other Network Related Services...
    net start "dns cache"
    net start netprofm
    net start nlasvc
    net start netman
    net start iphlpsvc
    net start lanmanworkstation
    net start "Bonjour Service"
    net start dhcp
    net start nsi
    net start lanmanserver
    net start lmhosts
    net start "shared access"
    net start nettcpportsharing
    net start remoteaccess
    net start alg
    net start bits
    net start peerdistsvc
    net start certpropsvc
    net start homegrouplistener
    net start homegroupprovider
    net start winrm
    net start Broswer
    net start TrkWks

    rem Starting other Windows Services...
    net start wscsvc
    net start DPS
    net start CscService
    net start WPDBusEnum
    net start ProtectedStorage
    net start RemoteRegistry
    net start seclogon
    net start wscsvc
    net start osppsvc

    rem Starting Blue Tooth Services
    net start bthserv

    rem Starting Remote Desktop and Remote Assistance Services
    net start sessionenv
    net start termservice

    rem Starting Windows Update Service
    net start wuauserv

    rem Starting iPod Services
    net start "ipod service"
    net start "Apple Mobile Device"

    rem Starting Stuff that makes your PC look nice...
    net start themes
    net start sensrsvc
    net start AeLookupSvc
    net start UxSms

    rem Starting Scanner, Camera and other imaging Services...
    net start stisvc

    rem Starting Windows Media Playing Sharing...
    net start WMPnetworksvc

    rem Starting Tablet Device Support...
    net start tabletinputservice

    rem Starting Other Windows Services...
    net start bdesvc
    net start wbengine
    net start uiodetect
    net start defragsvc
    net start axinstsv
    net start "w32time"
    net start wercplsupport
    net start PnkBstrA
    net start TeamViewer6
    net start HPSLPSVC
    net start Wsearch

    rem Starting Printer Services
    net start spooler

    rem Stop RAM Defragmentation
    Taskkill /im ramsaverpro.exe

    ECHO. Your PC has been restored
    ECHO. Press 1 if you want to optimize your laptop for a gig
    ECHO. Press 2 to quit
    Set /p input=What do you want to do?

    IF %Input% == 1 GOTO Optimize
    IF %Input% == 2 GOTO Quit

    ECHO Thanks for using this! Credits to SmiTTTen - DJ Trancicted - Stashe
    Beats By Dre is like audio flu for your balls.

  10. #100
    DJTT Scribe Mod smiTTTen's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    Then: UK. Now: US.


    Quote Originally Posted by VanGogo View Post
    Saw something about using an SD card as extra ram. What is your take on that?
    It's called Readyboost and I think it is available on Vista and Win7. The idea is that (as you said) Windows utilizes the memory on the SD card as if it were RAM. I had a look to see what kinds of performance you would get from it and found a reference that states that a process that takes 11.7 seconds to complete on a system with 512mb of RAM takes 2 seconds with an additional 512MB of ReadyBoost memory. if the additional 512MB RAM was actually installed RAM the same operation would take 0.8 seconds. So, much faster than paging a disk but still a good bit slower than proper RAM.

    Readyboost might be worth considering for people with netbooks as it may increase their odds of being able to run something like Traktor. For those with 2 or 4GB RAM on their systems it's unlikely to make much difference. My laptop has 8GB and I swear I never use a fraction of it!

    There's not a lot to configure so it's definitely worth spending an hour to test it out. Note that older or dodgy SD cards might cause more problems than they solve. There is also a finite number of writes that can be made to an SD card though that's a pretty high number so shouldn't be an issue.
    Beats By Dre is like audio flu for your balls.

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