[windows] My S4 Diary: Prepping for and setting up my S4 - Page 11
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  1. #101
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info! I'll give it a try when I get time then and see if it helps.

  2. #102
    Tech Wizard
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    Iv tried ready boost on my new laptop (HP G62 B28SA amd p340 2.2ghz dual core, 4 gb ddr3 ram, windows 7 ultimate 64 bit)and cant tell the difference. Also it seems to push up dpc latency a fraction.


    I would be tempted to see how it goes with the new laptop before you partition.

    After tweaking windows etc you may find that you don't have any issues with audio or general use. You will probably find after turning of windows services and background stuff that your not actually missing out on anything usefull.

    I personally haven't had any issues with mine on a single partition and the common issue wifi doesnt have an effect on dpc latency at all.
    Last edited by petegt; 06-22-2011 at 09:09 AM.

  3. #103
    DJTT Scribe Mod smiTTTen's Avatar
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    That makes sense. W/ 4gb you're not gonna see much difference and you're essentially adding slower memory into the mix.
    Beats By Dre is like audio flu for your balls.

  4. #104


    Ive had everything up and running smoothly for a few weeks now, but all of a sudden things started to go wrong. Windows update and kaspersky update are wreaking havok to the setup and causing spikes o the CPU. I havent an internet connection at home, so have been unable to complete the updates. Im going to try to get to a wifi connection tonight to remedy.... but this is very frustrating. I hope it solves the problem, and Im contemplating selling my laptop and getting a macbook v annoying!

    Right clearing the updates off sorted the issue, but I had to raise my latency to 10ms to get it fully functional without clicks or drop outs. Is this as good as it gets with windows?
    Last edited by paulalexsaltis; 07-08-2011 at 03:46 AM.
    MBP 2012, Traktor Scratch Pro, Kontrol X4, 1x Midi Fighters, TR-8

  5. #105
    Tech Mentor lucasmanning's Avatar
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    what a hugely descriptive post! if you only had a mac :P haha
    CDJ 2000s + DJM 2000

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  6. #106


    Had one... lost it to ex gf... just a matter of time...
    MBP 2012, Traktor Scratch Pro, Kontrol X4, 1x Midi Fighters, TR-8

  7. #107
    Tech Mentor lucasmanning's Avatar
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    haha! nightmare man!
    CDJ 2000s + DJM 2000

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  8. #108
    Tech Student
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    Indeed, props for this post!

    I tried a lot of that stuff on my old laptop (Sony Vaio, Core2Duo T5300, 2gigs ram,...) dedicated to Traktor S4, but I wasn't able to optimize it. Still had latency problems caused by hardware interrupts, even with only the necessary hardware activated. Got me a second hand macBook from a friend, had no problems since

  9. #109
    Tech Student
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    Sep 2011


    I use an old HP NC6320 with windows 7.. and a S4 with traktor 2..
    Disable the wifi and use gamebooster to kill all those unneeded services when Traktor starts..
    Works as a charm..

  10. #110
    Tech Wizard
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    Feb 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by djalexander View Post
    I use an old HP NC6320 with windows 7.. and a S4 with traktor 2..
    Disable the wifi and use gamebooster to kill all those unneeded services when Traktor starts..
    Works as a charm..
    +1 I have a hp g62, windows 7 64bit, 4gb ddr3 ram and 2.2ghz amd dual core. Its crazy stable. Dont even need to turn the wifi off as it makes no difference to dpc latency.

    The dpc sits at about 150 constantly until I updated the graphics driver now it has a 2200 spike every 15 secs and it wont let me roll back the driver
    Still no audio dropouts at all.

    Would recomend something from hp

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