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Figured I'd post here rather than creating a new thread.. I've followed all of the steps in the initial posting. I've installed the beta driver that NI sent me. I've run that script on the NI forums to make sure non essential services are all stopped. I've disabled everything in the startup folder of msconfig. I've disabled hardware in device manager. I have an HP laptop with Vista, 2.1ghz dual amd I believe and 4gb of ram. Prior to all of this I was constantly getting USB Data Errors as soon as an audio "glitch/dropout" would happen. Since I've done all of these things the usb data errors have drastically disappeared but now the buffer underruns skyrocket and I'm still getting a dropout at least once every couple of minutes. When the dropout happens I see the CPU usage skyrocket. This happens when I'm just letting two tracks play. I've found the best setting so far is with 512 sample rate and 4ms latency. I feel like I'm making progress but not quit there yet. Can anyone offer suggestions or something that I may be missing?