Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 12
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  1. #111
    Tech Convert
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    Default Shift+

    I would like to map my typhoon as a 4 deck controller... How do I map it so when I press shift+ deck A play it will play deck C, Is this possible and if so how? thank you

  2. #112
    Tech Guru zestoi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ RC View Post
    I would like to map my typhoon as a 4 deck controller... How do I map it so when I press shift+ deck A play it will play deck C, Is this possible and if so how? thank you
    for each control for deck A add a modifier that has to be set to 0 - then duplicate the deck A controls for deck C but so that the same modifier has to be set to 1. then make it so pressing the 'deck A' button alone sets that modifier to 0 and pressing shift+'deck a' sets that modifier to 1.
    11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2
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    Quote Originally Posted by derschaich
    "wohoo, i'm touched, turn on the FX"

  3. #113

    Default Need help/suggestions

    First off i use a numark omni, korg nanopad, and i use traktor pro. I want to set up my traktor to run 2 decks and 2 sample decks. Im here for suggestions what would be the best way, what would be the easiest way. I am new to mapping so this is why i am here.
    Thanks all!!!!

  4. #114
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    Hello. Can anyone tell me how to map the tree browser to apc40. Im trying to have the bank select buttons be my tree expand and collapse. the cue knob to be the search wheel, and a way to load the song to my matrix buttons that I already have mapped out . Im using the HouseQ apc40 mapping.



  5. #115
    Tech Wizard
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    my home is in CO , but i am traveling atm


    Just trying to Map my MFP Cue ....

    I like to find out how to use a Shift key to make a Button SAY on ?

  6. #116

    Default how to map my hotcues?

    hey guys i have traktor pro and a numark mixtrack pro on my macbook and ive been having some trouble mapping my hotcues
    please help!!! im new to mixing and djing and its really hard without my hotcues working hahaha

  7. #117
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kilown View Post

    Just trying to Map my MFP Cue ....

    I like to find out how to use a Shift key to make a Button SAY on ?
    Make 2 of the same modifier on the same button. For one have the same modifier = 1, and the other with the same modifier = 0

    ex. Modifier 3 | Global | Direct | (mapped to button "A") | M3=0
    Modifier 3 | Global | Direct | (mapped to button "A") | M3=1

    This should give your shift modifier a toggle type action

  8. #118
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xtr3medeez View Post
    hey guys i have traktor pro and a numark mixtrack pro on my macbook and ive been having some trouble mapping my hotcues
    please help!!! im new to mixing and djing and its really hard without my hotcues working hahaha
    In controller manager, select the mapping you want to change (duh), add in, cue/loops, select set store hotcue, hit the learn button, puch the button you want it mapped to, turn off learn, select which deck you want the cue for, and select the number of the hot cue you want mapped.

    Wa La

  9. #119


    Quote Originally Posted by joostiisme View Post
    This is not really a mapping tip, but non the less very useful.
    I did not know traktor had this feature till today.
    Alot of people will propably know already but for everyone who doesn’t, here you go!

    in the deck details tab, there is a part named deck heading.
    Here you can select what information is shown above the waveform.
    (track title, artist, BPM etc.)

    These are my settings.
    In the bottom row you see “beats” and “beats to cue”. These are the ones I discovered.
    “Beats” gives you the count from the first beat to the position in the song you are.
    “Beats to cue” counts down the beats till the next cue point.

    44 is counted in 4 bars, or 16 beats.
    2 is counted in 1 bar, or 4 beats
    1 is counted in beats.

    This feature is very usefull, to see if songs are at the same place in a build up, not only in sync.
    Get to know this feature and it can be of much help.

    do i need the "pro" version to use this feature? i cant seem to find it in duo2?

  10. #120
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    I know it was in S4 software and TP2 not sure about duo, and not at home or I would check TP1. Check NI's feature c

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