Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 14
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  1. #131
    Tech Guru zestoi's Avatar
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    interesting.... but in german???

    @zestoi: i had no time to get involved here as i was mapping every night for two years now
    ah sure. well i'm a total traktor noob compared to that, but i do know a thing or two about midi

    i don't map in traktor at all any more anyway - i use my midimasher...
    11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2
    maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
    Quote Originally Posted by derschaich
    "wohoo, i'm touched, turn on the FX"

  2. #132
    Tech Student
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    Quote Originally Posted by zestoi View Post
    interesting.... but in german???

    ah sure. well i'm a total traktor noob compared to that, but i do know a thing or two about midi

    i don't map in traktor at all any more anyway - i use my midimasher...

    sheisse, ähm damn it... well, with good intentions anyway. i'll check for some english material.

    well traktor is not exactly the easiest mapping environment. but i like the funky flashing buttons and stuff. for me midi without the lights is like a car without tires.

    Traktor Pro 2, Sony Vaio i3, Denon MC-6000, NI Kontrol X1, 2x Technics 1210, 2x Pioneer cdj 100

  3. #133
    Tech Guru zestoi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grollsn View Post
    well traktor is not exactly the easiest mapping environment. but i like the funky flashing buttons and stuff. for me midi without the lights is like a car without tires.
    i love flashing buttons and leds but i'd rather edit a midimasher config file in notepad or something than have to use that bloody traktor controller editor one more time... it lets u do all the same stuff u can do direct from the traktor controller editor and much much more...

    they have to improve the controller editor one day... maybe...
    11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2
    maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
    Quote Originally Posted by derschaich
    "wohoo, i'm touched, turn on the FX"

  4. #134
    Tech Guru
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    I dont know what is going on with my maschine. I thought I knew how to map but apparently not. Now I can set all my hotcues and delete them but for some reason button 3 on maschine "3compare" sets it to play when hit, its not holding to cue like all the rest of the buttons.

    It might have something to do with the controller editor but I'm not sure.

    Didn't even get into led feedback after all the trouble tonight. Sad times

  5. #135
    Tech Wizard
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    So I'm now mapping some effects and what not to my Akai LPD8 in traktor. I put some of the mappings in focus instead of a specific deck however even when I focus on Deck B, the functions still only work for Deck A. Also, when I'm mapping I make a bunch of mappings on pad function on the controller and then after thats all filled up I switch over to CC function however the editor says it's the same exact thing...

  6. #136
    Tech Guru zestoi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigtyme7 View Post
    So I'm now mapping some effects and what not to my Akai LPD8 in traktor. I put some of the mappings in focus instead of a specific deck however even when I focus on Deck B, the functions still only work for Deck A. Also, when I'm mapping I make a bunch of mappings on pad function on the controller and then after thats all filled up I switch over to CC function however the editor says it's the same exact thing...
    i've never tried to use deck focus, i'd guess there could be issues with using effects that way. i find it easier to map explicitly for each deck+effect unit etc. more mappings but i find it clearer as to what the heck is going on.

    as for the PAD verses CC thing... sounds odd. u mean in PAD mode u click learn and traktor shows "note XX" and when u click on CC mode on the lpd8 and then click learn in traktor and hit a pad it also shows "note XX"? it should be showing "CC XX" ofc... the XX can/might be the same, but it should be showing it as a CC and not a Note.

    you can also use the akai lpd8 editor to check/change what notes/cc's get send out.
    11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2
    maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
    Quote Originally Posted by derschaich
    "wohoo, i'm touched, turn on the FX"

  7. #137
    Tech Wizard
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    Nevermind I figured it ouT! (: so you'll make a mapping under the pad function for Deck A and then under the CC function you'll do the same thing except for Deck B?

  8. #138
    Tech Guru zestoi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bigtyme7 View Post
    Nevermind I figured it ouT! (: so you'll make a mapping under the pad function for Deck A and then under the CC function you'll do the same thing except for Deck B?
    yep - that's a pretty good plan. then 8 pads for deck A and 8 for deck B. when i last used my lpd8 direct with traktor that's what i did and used the pots for levels+eq. didn't need to use the internal banks in the lpd8 at all.
    11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2
    maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
    Quote Originally Posted by derschaich
    "wohoo, i'm touched, turn on the FX"

  9. #139
    Tech Guru
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    quick question, should i have all my pads and knobs set to notes when mapping my maschine? They are able to be changed using controller editor.

  10. #140
    Tech Guru zestoi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rukks View Post
    quick question, should i have all my pads and knobs set to notes when mapping my maschine? They are able to be changed using controller editor.
    makes no odds really, you can use notes or cc's tho it's more standard to use cc's for pots/faders etc and notes for pads. with apps like traktor etc it makes no real difference tho.
    11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2
    maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
    Quote Originally Posted by derschaich
    "wohoo, i'm touched, turn on the FX"

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