Originally Posted by
No you shouldn't need another program besides Traktor. Just set a modifier on the knob with the type "fader/knob" and mess with the rotary sensitivity until it smoothly scrolls the modifier value between 0-7, Then just set up your FX to load and turn on (and off) at the different modifier values. If you need more than the 8bit depth of just one modifier, simply create a "ratcheting modifier system" to give you 16-64bits with two modifiers.
interesting idea. just had a quick go and have it ranging between 0 and 7. *sometimes* it jumps to 5 when it's at 0, could be a bad pot on my lpd8 but it doesn't then jump back to 0. this is with accel at 0% and sensitivity at 24% for a normal 7bit midi pot.
mine is hitting a value of 3 at zero ish with these settings, not bang on, but so long as u don't mind the mid point +/- quite a bit it could def be used for some things. what would ofc be more of a pain is assigning params to 0-50% and 50-100% as you'd have to add one control for every modifier value you need.
as for creating a higher resolution using a cascading set of modifiers - that's really not a great idea - i suspect u just mentioned it because it was technically feasible even if not at all practical. for one thing since u can't add ranges as modifier conditions this would make u have to add a whole heap of extra controls.

Originally Posted by
Yeah, Traktor makes this nice and easy to do with modifiers.
this is totally untrue ofc... if they wanted to make it *easy* they would just have allowed controller ranges for a fader and also condition ranges - which would be rather neat and maybe they'll add to a future version.
i do like your idea for defining an action at 50% for a fader/pot that u can't otherwise do without the missing controller range.
once u move to using a sep app tho to do the routing between your controller and app(s) whether bomes or midimasher etc then the options u have for mapping really expand... and u can try out different ideas without spending a long time in traktors controller manager.
here's a simple example that connects an lpd8. adds a new message at 0% that is off otherwise, another at 50% and then a new fader that ranges from 0 to 127 in the lower 50% of the physical fader. a lot of extra functionality for not very much effort.
open_midi_device("lpd8", "lpd8", "LPD8", "LPD8")
superfader("lpd8", "fader5", 0, 0, 0, "fader5a", ON, ON)
superfader("lpd8", "fader5", 0, 63, 64, "fader5b", ON, ON)
superfader("lpd8", "fader5", 0, 0, 63, "fader5c", OFF, ON)