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Hey now. I haven't tested it enough to call it bug free but it looks like there is a solution if hold interaction works for you.
(1) Map the same button to:
Effect selector 1 (or 2 or 3)/button/direct/(whatever effect)
Effect button 1 (or 2 or 3)/button/Hold
Effect Store Preset/button/trigger
Effect Store Preset/button/trigger/invert
Due to the order of events, this is what happens.
Press button -> Effect switches -> Effect turns on (hold) -> Preset gets stored -> Preset kicks in -> thus effect stays on
Release button -> Effect turns off -> Preset gets stored as off
Hence you can scroll through safely without turning on the effect.
The only worry is when you scroll through the FX while you have an effect activated, but since we only have two arms at most, this should be rare - given that you are using the hold interaction.
To do something similar with a toggle interaction instant FX at a glance seems to be a lot more complicated, but I will try thinking something if that was what you wanted.