nice mappinganother neat trick that i've been meaning to try is to emulate the kind of xfader effects that torq2 has. seems like a nice idea... fading in/out effects for each deck when xfader fx is enabled and you move between the tracks.
nice mappinganother neat trick that i've been meaning to try is to emulate the kind of xfader effects that torq2 has. seems like a nice idea... fading in/out effects for each deck when xfader fx is enabled and you move between the tracks.
11mba / 13mbp / tsp2 / live9 / audio10 / 2x reloop rp7000gold / 2x xdj1000 / 2x d2maschine mk2 / x1 mk2 / z1 / f1 / midifighter / lpd8 / 2x launchpad / launchkontrol xl
Originally Posted by derschaich
Thanks! It's something that rmx1000 cut/add inspired me to do. On rmx you can cut frequency on left and add effect plus frequency increase on right, that's great feature. After some testing I managed to set one modifier to do the trick and it seem stable. Then I map this modifier to three band EQ and set T3Delay in three different units that can be added to frequency of knob that is used. I got mapped three banks of settings for this EQs, clean, echo and masher. It is one part of my Plooper mode. I started Traktor mapping in rmx style of controls for BCD and posted it at mappings page. You can find this super faders there also
I never used Torque but think I know what you are saying, that x-fader trick is from one mapping for VCI100. You can do emulation, it's always nice to have it in pockit but isn't like it can't be mapped directly![]()
Hi Guys! I'm new here in DJTT.. Just wanted to ask Traktor Pro experts using Numark Mixtrack/Mixtrack Pro regarding the mapping and replacement of the EQ kills and changing them to Hotcues 1,2,3.. I have been successful in doing that, however, I could not make the Delete buttons (browser and tick by default) into a Delete Hotcue command meaning I could not delete the Hotcues that I have stored.. I really need your expertise and help in creating that hotcue delete command or buttons.. That is the only mapping modification that I want done on my Mixtrack Pro using Traktor Pro 2.. I would greatly appreciate your help and advice.. Thanks so much in advance!
Here's the screenshot:
Hi DJ Zoo and welcome to forum,
I check your image and saw that you have set same modifier (M8=0) to all of your hotcues. You might need to set new modifier to hold it to delete hotcue. I'll give you example with modifier#1:
Add in M1/interaction Hold/value 1
Add in Set Hotcue/interaction Hold/modifier conditions M1=0 ( you need to set this condition to forbid jumping back to hotcue when deleting, try without M1=0 and see what I'm talking about)
Add in Delete Hotcue/interaction Hold/modifier conditions M1=1
Hotcue set-delete.tsi
Thanks for the quick response Stewe! I really appreciate your help..
I already did the instructions you gave me.. The set/store hotcue works fine, however, I could not make the delete hotcue work.. Is there something I am missing here? Sorry for the ignorance since I am really new with the Traktor Pro.. By the way, here's another screenshot as reference..
Hoping for you help once again.. Thanks so much!
Hotcue settings look good. It seem the problem here could be modifier.
1. Which button do you use for modifier?
2. Do you hold your modifier button when trying to delete cue?
3. Have you set modifier to value 1?
I think the problem is the interaction mode. Change the interaction mode from hold to direct and it should work.
No. Interaction mode need to be set as "hold". If you set it as "direct" modifier value will always stay 1 which is something you don't want from delete hotcue button. with this direct 1 delete modifier stays always on and it will delete hotcue even if you want to play it.
You got me wrong. I was talking about the interaction mode of the delete hotcue command. The interaction mode for the modifier is hold, but the interaction mode of the delete hotcue command should be set to direct. Then the command will probably work.
I´m talking about the marked field in the picture below..
Last edited by Ryukyu; 07-27-2012 at 11:32 AM. Reason: Forgot to add file..