Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 32
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  1. #311
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adrian Lake View Post
    I want to mapping the "Deck C Filter" but it says "inappropriate control" when I w push learn...
    any ideas?
    Never heard of it before. Where does it display that massage?

    Try to map filter first, then change deck assignment to C.

  2. #312
    Tech Convert Adrian Lake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Never heard of it before. Where does it display that massage?

    Try to map filter first, then change deck assignment to C.
    It ("inappropriate control") shows up in a red font in the controler mapping window when I click the 'learn' button in the field where it should show the dedicated knob/fader/button. I want to map an "Effect On" on the "Deck C Filter" of my S4...

    Edit: Do I have to disable the primary function of the know? How can I do this?

    Kontrol S4 (+Case), ThinkPad R500, Sennheiser HD205

  3. #313
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Since I don't have S4, I'm gonna leave this up to someone who actually owns it and can troubleshot it for you properly. I have tried some time ago to manually map "effect on" to knob (if that's what you want) when I helped one friend to create a mapping for S2 (shouldn't be different than S4) on this forum and it wasn't doable from my system.

    Sorry for I couldn't be of much help to you.

  4. #314
    Tech Wizard
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    @ Adrian Lake
    I've also been interested in mapping the S4 and I found this it might give some ideas of what is faisible or not on the S4

  5. #315


    I am pretty horrible at this whole mapping thing and need some help. How do a map a basic midi pad so that different buttons do different values of beat masher so i can do build ups with them. I want to map it like he has the beat masher mapped to the midi fighters in this video.

  6. #316
    Tech Student
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    Hey guys
    I got an mpd32 and i can't map cues for the pads
    Is any1 here who can tell me the way so i can map my midi-pads for cueing ?

  7. #317
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by killerkdawg23 View Post
    I am pretty horrible at this whole mapping thing and need some help. How do a map a basic midi pad so that different buttons do different values of beat masher so i can do build ups with them. I want to map it like he has the beat masher mapped to the midi fighters in this video.

    You need to map same Beatmasher knob to four buttons with four different parameter values.

    Add in> FX Unit> Knob>
    -Interaction mode set to button
    -Type of controller set to direct
    -Button 1 value is 0.600
    -Button 2 value is 0.800
    -Button 3 value is 0.900
    -Button 4 value is 1.000

    I didn't wrote step by step because it is same setup for all four buttons except of different values at the end.

  8. #318
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djverse View Post
    Hey guys
    I got an mpd32 and i can't map cues for the pads
    Is any1 here who can tell me the way so i can map my midi-pads for cueing ?
    You are talking about hotcues? When add (Set/store hotcue) make sure you determine each button to specify number 1-8 and that Traktor midi in/out port is set to MPD32.

  9. #319
    Tech Wizard
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    Hi all "crazymappers"))). Im not new to the traktor, and also in very good relations with mapping since traktor 3, im using only mappind did by myself . This topic aldo give me good advices for use , so first of all THANK U GUYS FOR HELPING)))
    Ok. Now im using s2 for main control in NHL mode and prepration in MIDI mode, and x1 in MIDI mode for effect combos and hotcues control. This mapping im using since 2.1.2. I didnt upgrade to 2.5, cause issue with second gridmarker, but now when 2.5.1 released i did the upgrade and everything working fine, although better, except one thing - LED of sample state. In previous verdion it work likd this : slot empty- led off
    Slot playing- led on( full brightnes)
    Slot stoped, or muted - led on( half brightnes)
    But now its give me only 2 states off/on with no half brightnes.....
    So i tryed many things and combinations, with no result and the last thing that i did - import of default mapping of s2, and i found strange thing - in my mapping when i programming OUT it give me signsl type -out , LED, and regular 4 boxes with midi range.
    In the default mapping it have signal type -OUT, controller type -BUTTON, interaction mode - direct, and no boxes with midi range 0_o
    So now im liitle bit confused, how can it be?

  10. #320


    Hello forum!

    Got a slight I/O kind of problem with my APC40 and Traktor 2.

    I assigned an APC knob - it's Track Control 1 or Ch01.CC.048 - to the virtual Traktor EQ knob in Direct Mode. Using Output to Ch01.CC.048 (Controller Range 0.000000 - 1.000000, Midi Range 0 - 127, Invert deactivated, Blend activated) I can synchronize the knob to actions I do with, let's say, my mouse. It kinda works, but: Around 0%, the knob is like glued to the setting! It glitches around, and the knob needs to be turned really fast to get out of the 12 o'clock position. When deactivating Blend, the knobs moving like a charm, but then you can't sync the knob from Traktor back to the APC40.

    Does someone know a workaround for this, so that you can send back the EQ knob position to Ch01.CC.048 without any glitching? I mean, it works well in Ableton Live - okay well, it's an Ableton controller, I know - but all I know is that it also just sends out MIDI signals, as you can read in the APC40_Communications_Protocol_rev_1.pdf (you can google that up). So no weird protocols or stuff (Kontrol F1 anyone?)
    Thanks for the support!

    Okay, seems like this bidirectional thing is really somthing Ableton-Live-exclusive. Could probably find out a way how to remote control all the settings with Ableton Live. Probably Max would help me out there, but I can't do any Max, unfortunatly :/ (Or should I say, yet?) But Ableton is not part of my DJing yet. Will send Traktor audio signals to Ableton ("syncing" them) when getting a decent soundcard and 2 decent 1200s ^^
    Last edited by needforseeed; 08-03-2012 at 04:51 AM. Reason: Gave it up.

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