Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 35
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  1. #341
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by andrejgoshev View Post
    a bit nooby question, is there a way to LOCK the "cue" button while deck is playing ? i want to make a little experiment and try djing for a while with audio 2 & kb covers keyboard only and for safety is better the cue is locked
    Here are some screenshots Andrej. If that doesn't help I'll make you video

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  2. #342
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Zoo View Post
    Good day Stewe!

    Zoo here once again. I've been loving the Hotcue mapping that you helped me configure in my mixtrack pro. I've tried to make another modification, and it's the LED mapping for the Hotcues this time. I had successfully mapped it to light up when I press the Hotcue buttons, however, when I try to delete just one Hotcue button, all the Hotcue LEDs turn off. What could be the problem? Hope you could help me out once again sir.

    Here's the map file for your reference..Attachment 11731

    Thanks in advance!
    Hi Zoo, I look in your mapping now and see that you have mapped "Delete Hotcue" output for all hotcues and since this command effect to whole deck and not specific hotcue you wanted to. Delete it. Find some other alternative, you can always download someone's mapping which has properly mapped LEDs and then try to replicate same settings in to your mapping.

  3. #343


    Quote Originally Posted by BradCee View Post
    have you booted the apc in dumb mode?
    Phew, quite a while ago since I was on the forums and so many new posts! :O
    Yes, it is in dumb mode, as I wanted to have full control over all buttons. (My problem is described in post #320 on page 32.)

    There is probably a way to sync a virtual knob to the APC40, but it goes beyond MIDI, I suppose. Or somebody knew the Ableton Live code snippets and how they work with the knobs, because in Live it works perfectly. But I cannot understand that...Akai states the APC40 to be a MIDI controller...I don't know. :/

    Thanks for the reply, however!

  4. #344
    Tech Wizard
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    Hey all,
    i encountered a problem, while mapping my Xone:K2 and trying to partially simulate the "Layers" feature.
    Here's what I'm trying to do:
    Normal State
    Bildschirmfoto 2012-08-13 um 17.58.07.jpg
    After pressing the "Switch Layer" button
    Bildschirmfoto 2012-08-13 um 17.55.04.jpg
    I mapped my controller to give LED feedback,
    i.e. the play button blinks red, when Deck is playing; the Monitor Button lights up red, when monitor is toggled on the deck; sync button lights up in green; etc... - I did this by utilizing the standard OUT commands.
    When pressing the "Switch Layer" button, I would like ALL BUTTONS to light up in red, to give me a visual indication that I am currently in the "cue point" layer. This is also possible, using the standard OUT commands.
    when switching back from the "cue point" layer to "normal" layer, the LED's behavior does not switch back to "normal" mode (blinking red play button, green sync button). I tried to "inverse" the LED OUT commands, when the "Switch layer modifier" goes back to 0, but all it does is that it turns off all the LEDs.
    Attached Files Attached Files

  5. #345
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Hi Zoo, I look in your mapping now and see that you have mapped "Delete Hotcue" output for all hotcues and since this command effect to whole deck and not specific hotcue you wanted to. Delete it. Find some other alternative, you can always download someone's mapping which has properly mapped LEDs and then try to replicate same settings in to your mapping.
    Thanks again Stewe!

  6. #346
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edeoldi View Post
    Hey all,
    i encountered a problem, while mapping my Xone:K2 and trying to partially simulate the "Layers" feature.
    Here's what I'm trying to do:
    Normal State
    Bildschirmfoto 2012-08-13 um 17.58.07.jpg
    After pressing the "Switch Layer" button
    Bildschirmfoto 2012-08-13 um 17.55.04.jpg
    I mapped my controller to give LED feedback,
    i.e. the play button blinks red, when Deck is playing; the Monitor Button lights up red, when monitor is toggled on the deck; sync button lights up in green; etc... - I did this by utilizing the standard OUT commands.
    When pressing the "Switch Layer" button, I would like ALL BUTTONS to light up in red, to give me a visual indication that I am currently in the "cue point" layer. This is also possible, using the standard OUT commands.
    when switching back from the "cue point" layer to "normal" layer, the LED's behavior does not switch back to "normal" mode (blinking red play button, green sync button). I tried to "inverse" the LED OUT commands, when the "Switch layer modifier" goes back to 0, but all it does is that it turns off all the LEDs.
    Did you specify correct modifier conditions to both layer LED's outputs? In hotcue layer M=0 and other layer M=1. I assume you use toggle modifier?

  7. #347
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Zoo View Post
    Thanks again Stewe!

  8. #348
    Tech Guru BradCee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edeoldi View Post
    Hey all,
    i encountered a problem, while mapping my Xone:K2 and trying to partially simulate the "Layers" feature.
    Here's what I'm trying to do:
    Normal State
    Bildschirmfoto 2012-08-13 um 17.58.07.jpg
    After pressing the "Switch Layer" button
    Bildschirmfoto 2012-08-13 um 17.55.04.jpg
    I mapped my controller to give LED feedback,
    i.e. the play button blinks red, when Deck is playing; the Monitor Button lights up red, when monitor is toggled on the deck; sync button lights up in green; etc... - I did this by utilizing the standard OUT commands.
    When pressing the "Switch Layer" button, I would like ALL BUTTONS to light up in red, to give me a visual indication that I am currently in the "cue point" layer. This is also possible, using the standard OUT commands.
    when switching back from the "cue point" layer to "normal" layer, the LED's behavior does not switch back to "normal" mode (blinking red play button, green sync button). I tried to "inverse" the LED OUT commands, when the "Switch layer modifier" goes back to 0, but all it does is that it turns off all the LEDs.
    so when in normal play mode mod=0?

    how are you mapping these? is it with using the out functions for play, cue etc...?

    as a work-around with leds for displaying layers/button modes it's easier mapping the mod condition, so in your case that all the buttons turn red in cue mode, e.g when mod1=1 by just setting a modifier output on all the buttons

    on the normal play layer do this for the mod1=0 condition. for the play button you can add the additional condition that play=yes (or however it is worded)

    so lights on if mod1=0 and playing
    and lights off if mod1=0 and not playing or mod1=1 and either playing/stopped

    on the sync button however, i don't think a sync condition exists, but you could use an additional mod2 for this toggling between 1 and 0 based on condition mod1=0 on the first modifier

    so lights on if mod1=0 and mod2=1
    and off if mod1=0 and mod2=0 or mod1=1 and mod=1 or 2

    assuming you have enough mods left, as you'd then need mods 3 and 4 for deck b to do the same
    Last edited by BradCee; 08-14-2012 at 02:07 PM. Reason: missed something obvious about deck b

    Win 7 / 2x Reloop Contour / Numark M6 /Traktor Pro 2.5

  9. #349


    I have an issue with a custom 3 deck mapping for a VCI-100. I have 3 knobs in a row with a button underneath each (that have LEDs). What I have set up is knobs 1,2 and 3 all have ArmyOfMe's reverb sweep superknob assigned to them and route decks A, B and C to them respectively (deck A and C use FX Unit 1, B uses FX Unit 2) while the buttons trigger the button 2 of effect united 3 + 4, ie the "freeze" effect. Now I can get the LEDs in the buttons to light up when the freeze effect is activated, but as deck A and C both use the same FX slot, both lights A and C will switch on when only one of the decks is being effected. I tried to work around this with a modifier assigned to the knobs, but this results in the light staying on even after I turn the knob all the way back (so both FX1 and FX3 are off), and I have to slightly turn on and off the knob very quickly to turn it off, which is a pain and might lead to issues of FX being applied when I dont want them too.

    Anyone have any idea? I get that this was very long winded so I might have to record a Stewe style video haha!

  10. #350
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobotsCantDance View Post
    I have an issue with a custom 3 deck mapping for a VCI-100. I have 3 knobs in a row with a button underneath each (that have LEDs). What I have set up is knobs 1,2 and 3 all have ArmyOfMe's reverb sweep superknob assigned to them and route decks A, B and C to them respectively (deck A and C use FX Unit 1, B uses FX Unit 2) while the buttons trigger the button 2 of effect united 3 + 4, ie the "freeze" effect. Now I can get the LEDs in the buttons to light up when the freeze effect is activated, but as deck A and C both use the same FX slot, both lights A and C will switch on when only one of the decks is being effected. I tried to work around this with a modifier assigned to the knobs, but this results in the light staying on even after I turn the knob all the way back (so both FX1 and FX3 are off), and I have to slightly turn on and off the knob very quickly to turn it off, which is a pain and might lead to issues of FX being applied when I dont want them too.

    Anyone have any idea? I get that this was very long winded so I might have to record a Stewe style video haha!
    Set M1=1 (direct) to knob A and set M1=2 to knob B. Now give on/off condition to LEDs by using this modifier

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