Originally Posted by
so when in normal play mode mod=0?
how are you mapping these? is it with using the out functions for play, cue etc...?
as a work-around with leds for displaying layers/button modes it's easier mapping the mod condition, so in your case that all the buttons turn red in cue mode, e.g when mod1=1 by just setting a modifier output on all the buttons
on the normal play layer do this for the mod1=0 condition. for the play button you can add the additional condition that play=yes (or however it is worded)
so lights on if mod1=0 and playing
and lights off if mod1=0 and not playing or mod1=1 and either playing/stopped
on the sync button however, i don't think a sync condition exists, but you could use an additional mod2 for this toggling between 1 and 0 based on condition mod1=0 on the first modifier
so lights on if mod1=0 and mod2=1
and off if mod1=0 and mod2=0 or mod1=1 and mod=1 or 2
assuming you have enough mods left, as you'd then need mods 3 and 4 for deck b to do the same

Originally Posted by
Did you specify correct modifier conditions to both layer LED's outputs? In hotcue layer M=0 and other layer M=1. I assume you use toggle modifier?
Thanks to BradCee and Stewe!
I had already given a thought the workaround through modifiers, but hoped to find an easier solution.
Nevertheless, I just spent about 6 hours mapping the sh** out of my K2 and finally: it works! 
@BradCee: It might interest you, that you only need one modifier to control for both decks A and B.
Example (Sync button):
mod=0 -> sync neither A nor B
mod=1 -> sync button A
mod=2 -> sync button B
mod=3 -> sync button A and B
enable sync A (if mod=0) -> mod=1
enable sync B (if mod=0) -> mod=2
enable sync A (if mod=2) -> mod=3
enable sync B (if mod=1) -> mod=3
disable sync A (if mod=1) -> mod=0
disable sync A (if mod=3) -> mod=2
disable sync B (if mod=2) -> mod=0
disable sync B (if mod=3) -> mod=1
One more question for the experts: what's your experience with the "blend" option in traktor. Is it really as arbitrary, as it seems? I ran into a few problems with the LED feedback; sometimes enabling the "blend" option solved the problem, sometimes it didn't, although the command structure was exactly the same?! Weird..