Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 67
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  1. #661
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default Endos maschine mk2 mapping loop size browse wheel issues

    Hi guys just got enfos maschine mk2 mapping for traktor and when I try to set loop length it only moves from 1/32 to 1 to 32. Also the browse wheel skips in increments of 5 tracks. Is this normal and if not how can I set these to move in increments of 1. new to traktor so any help would be great.

  2. #662
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default xone dx

    i have a allen & heath xone dx and i wanna mapping on traktor the THRU function,on serato it.s working the thru function it.s activate when i press shift+cue and the cue button change to color grey, this function help me to plug a pionner player or a in this video please help...

  3. #663
    Join Date
    Jul 2013

    Default midi maps help

    Quote Originally Posted by joostiisme View Post
    In another thread I added two small tutorials for mapping in traktor.
    It seemed like a good way to show beginning mappers where to begin, answer mapping questions, and see what other people are mapping.
    This way every one can get new ideas and learn how to map their own.

    The format is:
    title with subject
    description of the mapping, (maybe a very short video to show it)

    text explanation in steps
    screen shots of the mapping window.

    see my two tutorials down here.
    i have a midi fighter pro cue master and a midi fighter 3-d is there a mapping i can use for one signed to deck a and the other controller to deck b for traktor

  4. #664
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Question xone k2 problems

    Bad news to every one!
    I have controller XONE k2
    think its superb, but only few templates (from original xone website is work correctly only MARK EG)

    I've try to download a lot of different (from djtechtools also) templates. Import them to traktor pro settings. But still they not work.

    I changed few versions of traktor already.

  5. #665
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Tonyneedhelp View Post
    Bad news to every one!
    I have controller XONE k2
    think its superb, but only few templates (from original xone website is work correctly only MARK EG)

    I've try to download a lot of different (from djtechtools also) templates. Import them to traktor pro settings. But still they not work.

    I changed few versions of traktor already.
    You have MIDI in and out port set to K2 controller?

  6. #666
    Tech Wizard DarkFoxDK's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Roskilde, Denmark


    Make sure you set the midi channel of the k2 to the correct one for the mapping.

  7. #667
    Join Date
    Aug 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkFoxDK View Post
    Make sure you set the midi channel of the k2 to the correct one for the mapping.
    Yes, i've checked these option. Everything is correct with midi ports.
    Controller light is showing when i move or push some thing. But it's nothing changes on traktor at all.

  8. #668
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default can't mapping slot capture/trriger/mute

    how can I mapping slot capture/trriger/mute for 1,2,3,4 slots on deck 3 and 4(C and D)?
    I try mapping like that
    Add In > Remix Deck > slot capture/trriger/mute>learn>push needing button
    and when I try choose needing assignment(for example remixdeck3,slot1)program don't give me do this
    it's just don't choosing
    how can I mapping this function?

    Matías (DJ TechTools) give me some abstract answer(thank you Matias) by email, but I don't understood(my english very bad)
    maybe someone can give me easy answer how I can do this or link where I can read about it

    and one more question:
    can I do shift mapping with akai mpd26 or trigger fingger
    what I mean - I want when I push two button together it's should work like another button
    for example I have 16 button, each button sending different midi signal(play,stop,pitch bend etc.)
    button #1 it's cue
    button#2 it's play
    I want when I push them both it's work like hot cue(for example)
    is this possible?

    sorry for my english

  9. #669
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default numark 4trak jog-wheel mapping


    first of all my name ist Stephan from Germany and my english is not so good.Sorry.
    I`m using a numark 4trak and traktor pro 2.6.3.
    Now my problem:
    I want to map the fx dry/wet adjust knob (intensity of effect) to the jog-wheel. For deck A and deck B.
    To activate the jog i want to use one free assign button.
    But in the controller manager after you press ADD IN, LEARN, and then you turn the jog, there is a message in red "not assignable".

    Can someone help/write me how to map this funktion ?

    Thanx for your help.


  10. #670
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by drozd View Post
    how can I mapping slot capture/trriger/mute for 1,2,3,4 slots on deck 3 and 4(C and D)?
    I try mapping like that
    Add In > Remix Deck > slot capture/trriger/mute>learn>push needing button
    and when I try choose needing assignment(for example remixdeck3,slot1)program don't give me do this
    it's just don't choosing
    how can I mapping this function?

    Matías (DJ TechTools) give me some abstract answer(thank you Matias) by email, but I don't understood(my english very bad)
    maybe someone can give me easy answer how I can do this or link where I can read about it

    and one more question:
    can I do shift mapping with akai mpd26 or trigger fingger
    what I mean - I want when I push two button together it's should work like another button
    for example I have 16 button, each button sending different midi signal(play,stop,pitch bend etc.)
    button #1 it's cue
    button#2 it's play
    I want when I push them both it's work like hot cue(for example)
    is this possible?

    sorry for my english
    Remix Deck Q: You're running 2.6.1 and above?

    Shift button:

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