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how can I mapping slot capture/trriger/mute for 1,2,3,4 slots on deck 3 and 4(C and D)?
I try mapping like that
Add In > Remix Deck > slot capture/trriger/mute>learn>push needing button
and when I try choose needing assignment(for example remixdeck3,slot1)program don't give me do this
it's just don't choosing
how can I mapping this function?
Matías (DJ TechTools) give me some abstract answer(thank you Matias) by email, but I don't understood(my english very bad)
maybe someone can give me easy answer how I can do this or link where I can read about it
and one more question:
can I do shift mapping with akai mpd26 or trigger fingger
what I mean - I want when I push two button together it's should work like another button
for example I have 16 button, each button sending different midi signal(play,stop,pitch bend etc.)
button #1 it's cue
button#2 it's play
I want when I push them both it's work like hot cue(for example)
is this possible?
sorry for my english