Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 68
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  1. #671
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Damont View Post

    first of all my name ist Stephan from Germany and my english is not so good.Sorry.
    I`m using a numark 4trak and traktor pro 2.6.3.
    Now my problem:
    I want to map the fx dry/wet adjust knob (intensity of effect) to the jog-wheel. For deck A and deck B.
    To activate the jog i want to use one free assign button.
    But in the controller manager after you press ADD IN, LEARN, and then you turn the jog, there is a message in red "not assignable".

    Can someone help/write me how to map this funktion ?

    Thanx for your help.

    Tried to map any other command to your jog wheel? Also does CTRL (master section of the screen) blink when you touch and move the jog?

    Tried to map it both using touch+move and move/turn (by side) only? Could be that your jog send a note and a CC events so Traktor can't decide which massage should be assigned to the command.

    Just some thoughts...

  2. #672
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    Sep 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Tried to map any other command to your jog wheel? Also does CTRL (master section of the screen) blink when you touch and move the jog?

    Tried to map it both using touch+move and move/turn (by side) only? Could be that your jog send a note and a CC events so Traktor can't decide which massage should be assigned to the command.

    Just some thoughts...

    thanx for your answer.
    Every try to map the jog, I get the same info in red "not assignable". The CTRL (master section of the screen) blinks when I touch or move the jog.
    Also I try to turn the jog only by side, I get the info " not asignable". By touch the jog too.

    I don`t understand it, cause if I load the TSI Layer FX3 from JWiLL - he mapped this command but in combination of 4 or 5 effects. In this mapping I can`t find the command which do this.

    thanx for help

  3. #673
    Tech Mentor
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    Mannheim / Germany


    Quote Originally Posted by Damont View Post

    first of all my name ist Stephan from Germany and my english is not so good.Sorry.
    I`m using a numark 4trak and traktor pro 2.6.3.
    Now my problem:
    I want to map the fx dry/wet adjust knob (intensity of effect) to the jog-wheel. For deck A and deck B.
    To activate the jog i want to use one free assign button.
    But in the controller manager after you press ADD IN, LEARN, and then you turn the jog, there is a message in red "not assignable".

    Can someone help/write me how to map this funktion ?

    Thanx for your help.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    Tried to map any other command to your jog wheel? Also does CTRL (master section of the screen) blink when you touch and move the jog?

    Tried to map it both using touch+move and move/turn (by side) only? Could be that your jog send a note and a CC events so Traktor can't decide which massage should be assigned to the command.

    Just some thoughts...
    Hi Stephan,
    was Stewe sagt, ist dass deine jogs eine midi note senden, wenn du sie berührst; eine weitere senden, wenn du sie drehst während du sie berührst; und noch eine andere midinote senden, wenn du sie drehst und dabei nur den rand der jogs berührst. wenn du die LEARN funktion beim jog benutzt, musst du sicherstellen, dass nicht aus versehen die falsche oder mehrere noten gesendet werden. sonst ist traktor wahrscheinlich überfordert.
    Falls dich das nicht weiter bringt, suche dir ein 4trak mapping, importiere es und suche darin die jog belegung, dann kannst du die midinote ablesen und manuell (also ohne die LEARN funktion, sondern wie bei den outputs) in traktor mappen. noch ein tipp: notiere dir das midi layout. wirst es immer mal wieder brauchen.

    I translated Stewe´s advice.
    And added that he can download a 4trak mapping and search for jog commands to get the midi notes and map them manually (like the outputs) and I mentioned that´s always usefull to write down the controller´s midi layout.

    MacBookPro 11,1 | i5 2,4GHz | 16 GB RAM | 256 GB SSD
    MacOSX 10.15.x | TraktorPro 3.x | VCI-100 SE FW 1.4 | VCI-400 SE (EGE)

  4. #674
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    First thanx to Stewe for your support.
    erstmal Danke für die Unterstützung. Ich habe die Ratschläge ausprobiert und egal was ich mache, die Jogs lassen sich nicht auf diese Art mappen - auch nicht nur durch den Rand oder so.
    Ich weiss dass JWill hier im Forum durch das Layer FX3 Mapping genau diese Jogs gemappt hat, allerdings gleichzeitig mit mehreren Effekten. Nur leider erkenne ich in Traktor nicht, welche Signale diese Funktion steuern.

    Ich werde nochmal ein mapping suchen, ob dort die jogs aufgeführt sind.

    Danke und Gruss Stephan

    Thank you

  5. #675
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    I am working on a MF Spectra mapping and had a new problem crop up that I haven't had before. In order for Fx like the Turntable Fx to work correctly, the Fx on in mixer must first be turned on for 8 beats to fill the buffer. I have mapped a button to turn on 2 Fx units in the mixer to set up the use of the Fx. The problem is that whenever I turn on the 2 Fx in the mixer, there is an audible dip if a track is playing on that deck.

    After some testing, I found that as long as the Dry/wet is set to zero on the Fx units there isn't a problem. The problem also doesn't happen if I turn on multiple Fx units with my S4 even with the dry/wet at 100%.

    This leads me to believe it must be a problem with midi? Not sure, but I am wondering if the problem is specific to my set up or is this just the way it is?

    I know I can map the Dry/wet off, then on upon release of the button to solve the problem( for one of my banks), but this solution isn't going to work for one of my other banks.

    So if someone doesn't mind testing this out, or knows for sure this is just the way it works, I would greatly appreciate it!

  6. #676
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Hey VanGogo,

    The issue is with an effect itself when in single FX mode. I've noticed this issue before and that's the main reason I always use a group mode for my mappings. True, spin up and down the track sounds nice but the issue is quite random and you never know when it's gonna pop out.

  7. #677
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    Ok, so it's just the way it is with midi in single Fx mode then, darn it.

    Thanks for letting me know!!

    I guess I'll figure something else out for my other bank

  8. #678
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    I don't think it's MIDI It's a software that causes it because this appears no matter the controllers are plugged or not.

    God luck with that mapping mate!

  9. #679
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    You are probably right that it isn't midi, but curiously it doesn't happen when using my S4 to turn on the FX in mixer, or when using the mouse/trackpad.

    Anyway, thanks again!

    Edit: added new findings

    The way I found to get around this dip in audio was to turn Dry/Wet to zero (on bank change of the Spectra)then turn on all Fx in mixer(with a dedicated button). Since the buffer for Fx starts with Fx on in mixer not the Dry/Wet, it works perfectly. Just make sure to have Dry/Wet mapped on every button.

    Or with one button, map Dry/Wet =0 for all Fx units, and all Fx units on in mixer, and Dry/Wet =1 for all Fx units Inverted.

    So far no dip in audio using either method.
    Last edited by VanGogo; 10-02-2013 at 01:40 AM.

  10. #680
    Tech Convert
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    Aug 2013

    Exclamation F1 or S4 mapping issue

    Hi guys,

    I just got a F1 which i am planning on using for the remix decks initially and also for storing some effects combos presets.

    I will use my S4 remix decks cue buttons for some other effects combos as well.

    I've mapped what i wanted on the buttons that I wanted but not at the extend of what I want.

    Now, my question are these: ( please bear with me as i am not an expert no this...btw.. if you have any good guide for mapping commands let me know and i will try to figure this out)

    1) For trigering 2 FX units ON at the same time. I've heard the term hold interactive , but can't seem to find where it is set up.

    2) How can I make the F1 to switch from remix decks mode to Effect controller mode.. Is it with modiers? I was thinking on pressing pad 19 + some other button to switch back and forth.. But can't figure that out.

    3) If I am able to switch between modes, how can I make it that the native mode ( controlling remix deck) does not get trigered? This is an issue i am dealing with on the S4 as well.. I get to launch the things I want but at the same time the recorded loops in the remix decks start to play...

    4) And this is the biggiest issue i am seeing.. Even if i switch from one mapping to another , the first mapping always takes presedence and the new one does not work.. even if i switch to the native mapping, still the user created mapping takes over...

    Any help is appreciated... I am kinda hooked up with this mapping things.. the sky is the limit with these.. and having the setup the way i wanted only gives me more weapons


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