I'm looking for it when i have time later, thanks mateCould be possible that i ask some more questions if you don't mind
I'm looking for it when i have time later, thanks mateCould be possible that i ask some more questions if you don't mind
Sure thing dude.
okay, i looked at the mapping; added store preset to every button, each of the four ramp delays and to the one echo freeze - it still doesn't switch correctly when i press the echo freeze while holding a ramp delay - when i do, it turns of the effect unit and turns on the freeze button (button 2). when i try to retoggle the echo freeze it turns on the unit but off the button :/
this doesn't happen when i release a ramp delay button and then press the echo freeze - but when i'm being too quick the same as above happens. I'm know my way around mapping - kinda, but i quickly get lost xD may i need a few modifiers to do what i want?
I'll give you a hint
Map direct M=0 to all four Ramp buttons. Assign M1=0 for Ramp On commands. Map direct M1=1 to your freeze button. Keep Store Preset.
let me know if you need help on next step.
(I think) I've done it like you said, but still the same occurs :/ going to bed now, its nearly 3AM hereGn8 Stewe and thanks for your help so far
Hi, great work with your mappings, do you know how I could set a brake function to work in traktor pro 2 ? I am using a numark 4trak controller. Traktor pro 2 version 2.1.2. I know there is a "brake" effect in the FX but that dose'nt really work in real time mixing. Thanks any help would be great.
There are few ways to your mapping and that was the simplest possible solution. The ramp modifier passes the signal to your echo button only while ramp is pressed. Then we set another modifier this time in toggle mode in next step to prevent ramp to go off when you release the ramp buttons after the freeze is active.
PM me with your e-mail and I'll send you a .tsi so you can study and possibly replicate it to your 3D.
I just spent a couple of hours, making a 4-button selector for Traktor, using only two modifiers, and requiring only one condition. Which I needed for selecting decks to apply instant-gratification FX to, in a mapping where the a condition is already taken up by a modifier for layers, and I didn't want to waste too many modifiers.
It works a bit like this:
I haven't checked the thread, so this might already exist, but if not, enjoy: 4-select-2-var.tsi
(Sorry I couldn't gather up the energy to remove the modifier 1 condition from all of them, but even in XM it's a pain).
Last edited by DarkFoxDK; 11-01-2013 at 06:07 AM. Reason: Updated tsi
i just bought a new xi mk2 and im having trouble mapping it. i was trying to map meter leds and it wont learn any of the buttons i press. i also tried to map a mixer knob just to see if it would map it and nothing. no matter what i tried it would not learn any of my commands. the default map works just fine. i just cant remap anything. can anyone help?