Do you mind sharing your MM-1 file? I can test it here and see what's up.
Here you go :
Originally this is the Under Construction F1 Mapping which i was developing.. I've just re-learnt the commands for that particular function which was giving me a problem. Its mapped to the "1st CUE" button of the MM-1. The one on the left hand side of the controller.
The single mode is triggering fine but can't see anything in there mapped for the group FX mode that you had trouble with?
Well, I haven't mapped it yet.. My next step with the mapping was to map some pads to a couple of effects in the group mode. As of now, I was just going to the group mode manually using my mouse to test it.
I hope going to group mode manually wasn't the thing creating an issue ?
EDIT : Just checked, Entering the group mode manually or via midi doesn't really affect anything.
Last edited by lothar; 05-16-2014 at 04:34 PM.
Any takes ? Anyone ?
Is it possible to map a button to increase the value of an effect from 0 to 100 slowly(Not in 1 go) ? If yes, How to do it ?
Tried doing it with the little knowledge I have. Failed.
Set interaction mode to 'Inc' and check the 'Auto Repeat' box. Then you'd be able to choose from different resolutions.