Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 82
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  1. #811
    Tech Convert
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    May 2014

    Lightbulb Display sync status with LEDs

    Hey people! I have managed to map 99% of my new Akai APC mini on my own! ( about 300 midi in/out commands) Im kind of proud about that because its my first attempt on a 100% custom mapping.

    Obviously i can do the hard stuff(modifiers, turning remix decks pages, VU Mapping) but not the easy...

    Im pretty sure its very easy to do but i just make one little mistake

    What i want to happen:
    If Remix deck c is in the same phase as the master -> LED light up
    If Remix deck c is NOT in the same phase as the master -> LED unlit

    I tried already:

    Add out>Deck Common>Phase sync
    Assignment = Deck C
    Controller Range = 0/1
    Midi Range = 0/1 and 0/127

    I really don't get what im doing wrong...its such a simple true/untrue condition and i can't get it to work >.<

    PlX H4lp DJ-Techtools pros before i lose my last nerve...
    (did 300 commands in 8 hours and already wasted 4 hours on those two damn LEDS - and yes they are intact )

    best regards!

  2. #812
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by Havk View Post
    Hey people! I have managed to map 99% of my new Akai APC mini on my own! ( about 300 midi in/out commands) Im kind of proud about that because its my first attempt on a 100% custom mapping.

    Obviously i can do the hard stuff(modifiers, turning remix decks pages, VU Mapping) but not the easy...

    Im pretty sure its very easy to do but i just make one little mistake

    What i want to happen:
    If Remix deck c is in the same phase as the master -> LED light up
    If Remix deck c is NOT in the same phase as the master -> LED unlit

    I tried already:

    Add out>Deck Common>Phase sync
    Assignment = Deck C
    Controller Range = 0/1
    Midi Range = 0/1 and 0/127

    I really don't get what im doing wrong...its such a simple true/untrue condition and i can't get it to work >.<

    PlX H4lp DJ-Techtools pros before i lose my last nerve...
    (did 300 commands in 8 hours and already wasted 4 hours on those two damn LEDS - and yes they are intact )

    best regards!
    Hey Mate,

    The "Phase Sync" is not the target command that you're looking for. The correct one is called the "Phase"

    Add Out > Deck Common > Phase

    Luckily I still have my APC mini so I could easily test this for you. Here is the magic numbers that worked for me!

    Controller Range:
    Min value of: -0.003400
    Max value of: 0.001800
    Screen Shot 2015-04-05 at 6.48.17 PM.png

    Usually this values should be set to 0 - 0 but Akai gear is not so mapping friendly to Traktor and that's why you're seeing this little off-set here.

    Hope this helps

    Don't forget to share your mapping when it's finalized! If you need any help with testing, please let me know.
    Attached Images Attached Images

  3. #813
    Tech Convert
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    May 2014


    Worked perfectly THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!

    It still need some tweaking but now i can continue the work

  4. #814
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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  5. #815
    Join Date
    Apr 2015

    Question S2 mk2 flux button how to remap it?

    Hi! I want to remap Flux button in Traktor Kontrol S2 mk2 to "reset tempo" like in S2 mk1. How can i do this? Cant find "reset tempo" in controller manager. Dont use Flux and dont want to press shift+flux...

  6. #816
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Look no further! Just uploaded it on MAPS

  7. #817
    Join Date
    May 2015

    Default Traktor mappings reverting autonomously?

    Hey there! Sometimes I will set a mapping in tractor (right now I'm trying to customise BeauBryte's with the FX I use the most), I will export it to my mapping too (so I can reload it in case I mess up something), but upon reopening tractor the next day, some settings will have changed / reverted. I'm sure I'm just making some stupid mistake, but what could be causing this?

  8. #818
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by blahsd View Post
    Hey there! Sometimes I will set a mapping in tractor (right now I'm trying to customise BeauBryte's with the FX I use the most), I will export it to my mapping too (so I can reload it in case I mess up something), but upon reopening tractor the next day, some settings will have changed / reverted. I'm sure I'm just making some stupid mistake, but what could be causing this?
    Is it only the FX settings you're having problems with? Make sure to export your mapping via big export button located at the bottom of the preferences window (not device menu)

    By clicking on big export button, you will be asked to export different categories along with the mapping files. Ensure to tick "controller mappings" and "effect settings" then ise big import button to reload the TSI and restart Traktor.

    If a same issue still applies then it might be issue with your Traktor. Out of the interest, what version you're at?


  9. #819
    Tech Guru DJAdeSands's Avatar
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    Lisburn, Northern Ireland


    Not often I'm looking for assistance..

    And I'm not sure this can be done, however, any way you can map traktor to send a midi signal beyond the 127 limit? I have a return signal to send back to a Denon MC6KMK2, but the signal is recieved at 132 -138, which is outside the selectable range.. any way this can be achieved? Btw, it's the EQ LED's, when set on ch 1/2 on TP2..
    I have done this with relative ease on Novation Launchpad S, but the Denon MIDI in, is slightly different.. it sounds like it can't be done, but could ya clarify this is the case? Ta ta!
    Denon DJ/MC6000KMK2/Launchpad S/LaunchcontrolXL/Traktor Pro 2/Bringin it since 96.

  10. #820

    Default Cant find the file for mapping cdj 800s mk 2 on traktor system..

    can anyone tell me if pioneer cdj 800 mk 2 are guna work if I buy traktor pro scratch ?

    I have a demo version at the mo, but when I go to controller management / device there isn't an option for 800s..

    Will I have to use device / generic midi?

    Then if so why aren't the mappers working wen I click learn after assigning the action to either deck a or deck b

    Also im running a djm 250 mixer, rca to aux cable from my mixer to an external soundcard,

    I don't know if this will record sound from my decks or if I need some other hardware?

    help greatly appreciated, all I want to do is to record my mixes and cant get other software to work!

    thanks in advance as I kno this isn't that hard but Ive been on google most of the last 2 hours and cant find the right asnwers!



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