Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 85
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  1. #841
    Tech Guru DJAdeSands's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khan.cross View Post
    Is there someone who can help me out of this?
    What problems still exist? Have you managed to set any of your query right?

    As Stewe has mentioned, unless you got access to the controller, it's difficult to make this right, especially when lots of modifiers are concerned.

    Unless you are up to some serious trickery, using tons of modifiers makes the mapping more complicated. The more complicated it gets, the more you'll need to check and recheck for errors when unexpected things start to happen.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    Denon DJ/MC6000KMK2/Launchpad S/LaunchcontrolXL/Traktor Pro 2/Bringin it since 96.

  2. #842


    The very most issue I have for now is:

    Loop Size Select + Set is assigned to 8 buttons, each with different loop size, MIDI out/LED is not working right. Active Loop turns on the LED, but disactivating the loop, do not disactivate the LED. Want to fix this, as this is confusing during mix.

    I have some other issues with MIDI out and LED's. Is there not a tool for Traktor, to check which button of the controller has which MIDI/Controller range to use the right values in Traktor settings? I want for example blinking, 50% lightning etc.
    Last edited by khan.cross; 04-17-2016 at 10:45 AM.

  3. #843
    Tech Guru DJAdeSands's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khan.cross View Post
    The very most issue I have for now is:

    Loop Size Select + Set is assigned to 8 buttons, each with different loop size, MIDI out/LED is not working right. Active Loop turns on the LED, but disactivating the loop, do not disactivate the LED. Want to fix this, as this is confusing during mix.

    I have some other issues with MIDI out and LED's. Is there not a tool for Traktor, to check which button of the controller has which MIDI/Controller range to use the right values in Traktor settings? I want for example blinking, 50% lightning etc.
    No tool that I'm aware of, apart from testing yourself. Your controller should have a manual somewhere that explains the LED send CC/Notes, this will hopefully help out with LED on/dim/off/flash (if applicable) commands. Traktor does not support flashing LED's per se, it's the controller that does that based on the command. For example: Loop: say CC:50 is assigned LED off, CC:51 is LED on, CC:52 could be flash, CC:53 could be DIM.. (this is for example purposes only) the CC:## would be in the return command box. It's the modifiers then that help here. If loop is off set the CC: to command 53, if loop is active, then 51, when loop is deactivated, traktor needs to know to tell the controller that it's not looping anymore. Any LED return could be used depending what you wanted to display.

    So, you have to consider, that yes, you can set a command to turn the LED on, but you also need a command to return it to it's previous preconfigured state too.

    As far as your modifiers go, you can use the same modifier command as long as it doesn't clash. Use M1:1 like a shift key, and your track scroll to look down the directory tree (M1:1 could be used for something else too as long as you don't use the commands simultaneously)

    What is the exact model of your controller!?

    I really hope this makes some kind of sense.

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    Last edited by DJAdeSands; 04-17-2016 at 03:00 PM.
    Denon DJ/MC6000KMK2/Launchpad S/LaunchcontrolXL/Traktor Pro 2/Bringin it since 96.

  4. #844


    I understand what you say. My controller is the Gemini G4V and I received a MIDI table from Gemini but this is a total confusin table, difficult to understand and compare it to Traktor.

    I really want to solve this issue, as I said, the enabled LED is getting me confused sometimes during mix.

    What I did for this controller, is a Traktor MIDI map, here you go. Maybe you can solve this issue for me.

  5. #845
    Tech Guru DJAdeSands's Avatar
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    No link mate. Can you repost

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    Denon DJ/MC6000KMK2/Launchpad S/LaunchcontrolXL/Traktor Pro 2/Bringin it since 96.

  6. #846


    I have a mapping file from Traktorbible, that one is working quite good. I removed already some modifiers to give some free, because I dont need loop roll, auto loop for deck C and D.

    I can post this mapping file later when I am at home. Would appreciate if you guys can help me regarding auto loop LEDs. I also need to get the browser section working right, the back button of the controller should switch between tree and list.
    Last edited by khan.cross; 04-18-2016 at 03:49 PM.

  7. #847


    Here is my Traktor mapping. I customized only a few things, thats why I included the photo.

    IMG_20160418_205618.jpgG4V 3 Track Decks + 1 Remix Deck (Loop Roll) ohne Sampler.tsi
    Last edited by khan.cross; 04-18-2016 at 03:55 PM.

  8. #848


    Guys I still need support with getting the auto loop LED disabled.
    Is there not a general MIDI out command, which does:

    Once pressed = LED on
    Again pressed = LED off


  9. #849
    Tech Guru DJAdeSands's Avatar
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    Do you have the midi table screenshot of the midi output/return commands?

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk
    Denon DJ/MC6000KMK2/Launchpad S/LaunchcontrolXL/Traktor Pro 2/Bringin it since 96.

  10. #850


    Quote Originally Posted by DJAdeSands View Post
    Do you have the midi table screenshot of the midi output/return commands?

    What do you mean with a screenshot of the MIDI output commands? Do you want to see my config?

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