Thank you for your very relevant answer!
I have done what you have said, I have a group under "Control" which says "Dry/Wet Adjust (FX Unit)". However this is a very large group and it's unclear which subset I need to modify.
think it's just the following set where the "Comment" field only says the name of the FX unit and "Cond1" is like "FX Panel Mode.FX Unit [#]=[Single|Group]", with these attributes? :
- assigned a note
- modifier of type fx unit modifier
- value group
- modifier blank
- type of controller button
- interaction mode direct
- assignment FX Unit [#]
- button options set to value 1.000
If this is the set in question, then I should assume that 1.0 represents 100%, and if I want my Dry/Wet to be 80%, enter 0.8?
There seems to be something going on in this mapping where some of the effects are simple and match the above. But the others are weird comboFX and they scare me. I feel like I could really break stuff if I modify the wrong set, a little more guidance would be super appreciated.
Edit 1: Fiddling around, I can identify items for the sub-effects on a given panel, but I can't locate the main Dry/Wet for the panel. It seems like my goal is to reduce that knob (in all cases except freeze-delay, which has to be 100% to work) instead of reducing each of the individual sub-knobs... ?
Edit 2 : Aha! Found one, by looking for an effect that sent at 100% and had a value of 1.0. I see now, I have to adjust the Dry/Wet knob value *per effect in that bank* from 100% to 80%. Yay!