Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions. - Page 90
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  1. #891
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Aug 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by forty4 View Post
    Thanks ! Now i got it But how do i get only ONE button changing Cue type for all 8 pads on my AFX ? When i duplicate your settings and change modifier for the second pad to "deck A hot cue 2 type =cue, grid, etc.." it doesn't work. This way Note takes the condition of both PAD 1 and PAD 2...
    Did you remap your duplicated commands to some other button note? It's not ideal keeping multiple cue type selectors on a single button...

    Note that you can map your computer keyboard to do this as well (when you run out of midi buttons )

  2. #892
    Tech Wizard
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    May 2012


    Hi guys,

    I didn't use Traktor 2 and my S2 since 1.5 years.

    Yesturday, i plug on my stuff, i did all upgrade (Traktor 2.11) and try to install "Beaubryte Mapping".

    But impossible to Import it didn't work (i read on some forum it can't work)

    Do you have the same problem? it is a possibility to find a solution or i need to sell my S2 now?

    thanks for your help

  3. #893
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starr974 View Post
    Hi guys,

    I didn't use Traktor 2 and my S2 since 1.5 years.

    Yesturday, i plug on my stuff, i did all upgrade (Traktor 2.11) and try to install "Beaubryte Mapping".

    But impossible to Import it didn't work (i read on some forum it can't work)

    Do you have the same problem? it is a possibility to find a solution or i need to sell my S2 now?

    thanks for your help
    It should work just fine - no reason why it shouldn't. Have you ensure to import the S2 MK1 version of the mapping and not S2 MK2 version?

  4. #894
    Tech Wizard
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stewe View Post
    It should work just fine - no reason why it shouldn't. Have you ensure to import the S2 MK1 version of the mapping and not S2 MK2 version?
    Yep. It's for S2 MKI. Cause new version of Traktor not compatible apparently....

    I'm demotivated if i can't use his mapping

    Go see the comments on the Mapping Forum.
    Sadly; i'm not alone...

    here , a copy/past:

    Hi.. with the latest version of traktor , your map seems to doesn't work anymore. Will you make an update please , in order to can use your map again? Thanks a lot for an answer
    Iconvinylrecord BRUNO BASTOS ALVES 23 DAYS AGO
    Doesn't work on new version

    Wallpaper-1281910 CHRIS 7 DAYS AGO
    i wish a new update for this mapping....


  5. #895
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Have you try importing some other mappings for S2? I just downloaded and imported Beau's mapping in 2.11 without issues:

    I used to own S2 MK2 before but as of right now I don't pack any of S2/S4 models to test all four mappings available.

  6. #896
    Tech Wizard
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    I just tryed Beaubryte's mapping for S2 MKI.

    When i import it, i see all the mapping as your screenshot, but the S2 work normally (as Default)

    But you're right: I will try to import other mapping for S2 just for test if it work or not.

    Maybe it's the Traktor's Upgrade is the cause?

    i will try tonight after my work.
    Last edited by starr974; 04-09-2018 at 02:55 AM.

  7. #897
    Tech Wizard
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    May 2012


    ok good news: it works finally

    I import other .tsi = OK

    I import beaubryte 's mapping and i change "In-Port" option: i choose "Traktor S2 "before is in "N/a" (maybe it's for taht it doesn't work)

    And after that, i can play

    Thanks for your help Stewe!

  8. #898
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by starr974 View Post
    ok good news: it works finally

    I import other .tsi = OK

    I import beaubryte 's mapping and i change "In-Port" option: i choose "Traktor S2 "before is in "N/a" (maybe it's for taht it doesn't work)

    And after that, i can play

    Thanks for your help Stewe!
    I knew it was just a MIDI Port haha
    Glad to hear some good news. Enjoy!

  9. #899
    Tech Mentor
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    Dec 2008


    I was wondering if anyone could help me with a mutable FX LED problem.

    Essentially I have 4 Decks that I use Delay on separately (meaning I use Delay on only one deck at a time). All Delay FXs are using the same FX Unit (Unit 3). I need visual LED feedback for the Unit On - Off on 4 different buttons. But when I map the 4 button to Unit 3, ALL the buttons light up when I engage only one deck..

    is it possible to map the 4 FX Unit Button LEDs so that if one Unit is On, the other 3 turn off?

    Ive been mapping for 6 days, and the last two days have souly been down to this issue. Its driving me crazy and I cant go on like
    Last edited by Stewe; 04-11-2018 at 09:17 AM.

  10. #900
    DJTT Mapping Ninja Moderator Stewe's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thictool View Post
    I was wondering if anyone could help me with a mutable FX LED problem.

    Essentially I have 4 Decks that I use Delay on separately (meaning I use Delay on only one deck at a time). All Delay FXs are using the same FX Unit (Unit 3). I need visual LED feedback for the Unit On - Off on 4 different buttons. But when I map the 4 button to Unit 3, ALL the buttons light up when I engage only one deck..

    is it possible to map the 4 FX Unit Button LEDs so that if one Unit is On, the other 3 turn off?

    Ive been mapping for 6 days, and the last two days have souly been down to this issue. Its driving me crazy and I cant go on like
    You need a modifier mapped to a buttons. Each button when pressed activates a specific value (1-2-3-4) and sets the value of 0 when pressed again.

    Then you can set up four commands for different FX Units and give them modifier conditions i.e. when button 1 is pressed (M=1) the FX Unit 1 LED is ON and all other three units are OFF.

    To which controller are you mapping this?

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