Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions.
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  1. #1
    Tech Mentor
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    Default Traktor mapping tips, tricks and questions.

    In another thread I added two small tutorials for mapping in traktor.
    It seemed like a good way to show beginning mappers where to begin, answer mapping questions, and see what other people are mapping.
    This way every one can get new ideas and learn how to map their own.

    The format is:
    title with subject
    description of the mapping, (maybe a very short video to show it)

    text explanation in steps
    screen shots of the mapping window.

    see my two tutorials down here.
    Last edited by Jester; 02-09-2011 at 03:47 AM.

  2. #2
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    Default master tempo select LED output

    How to map master select LED output.
    Is also in the standard X1 mapping, but good to know, if you ever change it.
    first picture is for the button assignment second for the LED

    Master set to deck… button and LED output

    How to assign a button to the master tempo button for the corresponding deck, and make it light up if that deck is currently selected as master tempo.

     Add in: ‘Set to master’ to the button you want (‘set to master’ can be found under tempo.)
    o Assign it to the deck you want
    o Interaction mode: trigger
     Add out: ‘master tempo select’ to the same button (can also be found under tempo.)
    o Change the controller range min and max to the same number (according to the deck you want)
    Deck A = 0
    Deck B = 1
    Deck C = 2
    Deck D = 3


    Last edited by joostiisme; 01-26-2011 at 10:00 AM.

  3. #3
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    Default Advanced FX, selected FX LED output

    This mapping is standard in the X1 mapping, but it is explained how it works.

    Advanced FX section, LED output

    When buttons are mapped to specific effects (effect select) and you want the corresponding button to light up when the effect is selected. The LED controller range needs to be set to the place of the effect in the list
    Effect: Delay, place in list: 1, range min. 1, range max. 1
    Effect: beatmasher 2, place in list 15: , range min. 15, range max. 15
    And so on.
    The mapping goes as followed
     Add out… FX advanced – Effect select
    o select your desired LED on your controller
    o condition 1: Fx panel mode = 1
    o Assign it to the FX unit you want
    o In the LED options section, select the controller range as stated above

  4. #4
    DJTT Moderator Dude Jester's Avatar
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    Question X1 Browser Toggle Made Easy.

    Hey guys.

    If you use an X1 and would like browser view when you go to select a track, and switch back to deck view when you load a track, here's what you need to do.
    You will need to add two extra commands, mapped to the browser knob and load button.

    The first command you are going to add is to tell traktor that when you move the browse encoder, you want to switch to browse mode. So to do that, go into the controller manager, select the X1 and do the following:

    Add In
    Only Browser Toggle
    Type Of Controller: Button
    Interaction Mode: Direct, Value=1
    Click on learn and move the left browse to map it.
    Now by selecting direct and setting the value to 1, as soon as you touch the knob the value changes and will stay there until we use the second command to change it back to "0".

    Here's what it should look like ...

    Now when you scroll through tracks the view will change to Browser Mode.
    The second command you want to add is to tell traktor that one you have chosen your track, and go to load it, you want the view to revert back to deck view. So here's how we go about that:

    Add In
    Only Browser Toggle
    Type Of Controller: Button
    Interaction Mode: Direct, Value=0
    Click on learn and click the browse knob in to map it.

    So now when you load a track, the view will change back to Deck View.
    Duplicate these for the right knob and you are ready to rock.
    Remember also, with the standard X1 mapping, SHIFT+LOAD toggles your view as well.


    Now that you've got the deck/ browser view sorted, how about monitor cue toggles as well? Lets have a look at that.
    Now of course you can have all 4 decks cued at the same time, what i like however is the deck that i just loaded a track into to be monitored, and thats it so here's how you do that.

    We'll use Deck A as an example.

    This first part is straightforward, Just add a monitor cue mapping set to Deck A, mapped to your load button but use "Direct" instead of "Toggle" which you will see why shortly.

    Now here's the tedious part...
    You need to duplicate this 3 times, mapped to this same load button, but change the assignment on these to Decks B, C & D respectively and change the value to "0".

    Now go ahead and test this out. Select the monitor cues and Decks B,C & D and load a track into Deck A with the load button you just mapped. Deck A will be cued but all the other decks wont be. Its not magic, its science baby!

    Rinse and repeat for all the other decks and we'll see you next year

    Jester out.
    Acer E5 i7 16GB 512SSD 2TBHD ~ WIN 10 ~ TSP 2.11 ~ AUDIO 6 ~ DUAL X1s ~ DN-X1600 ~ SPECTRA ~ TWISTER ~ ATH-PRO500 MK2 ~ ZED6FX ~ AT2020

    " I’m the Dude, so that’s what you call me. That or, uh His Dudeness, or uh Duder, or El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. "

  5. #5
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    Modifier condition list
    These have the same effect as modifers but aren’t triggered by buttons. These are triggered by events, preferences and current status.

     FX panel mode
    o 0 = chained
    o 1= advanced
     Is in loop
    o 0 = when assinged deck is currently looping control won’t work.
    o 1 = when assinged deck is currently looping control will work.
     Play/pause
    o 0 = control will only work if assigned deck is paused
    o 1 = control will only work if assigned deck is playing

    this is useful if you want certain commands to work only if something other than a modifier is on.

    There is deck mode and tempo range too in the condition menu, but I don't really see the use for that

  6. #6
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    Default Dual knob for FX control

    Mapping a “dual” knob

    One knob controls two parameters when modifier button is hold
    We are going to make a button (modifier) wich, when pressed and hold, will make one knob control two parameters. This way you can adjust two FX parameters with one knob, or control the parameters with their own knobs.


     Put FX unit 1 into chained mode. (this does not effect the mapping process but I find it easier to have a visual of the actual controls in the software.)
     Assign a modifier to an un used button. In this case modfier #1(I use the on/off button for the FX. In chained mode this button has no use)
    o Set the value to 1
    o Button mode = hold
    o condition 1: Fx panel mode = 0 (0=chained, 1= advanced)

     Assign the first knob to effect 1 amount like normal

     Assign the first knob to effect 2 amount
    o Condition 1: M1=1 (modifier 1 = 1)

    Map effect 2 amount to FX knob 2 (like you did for FX 1)
    Now when you press and hold your button in chained mode, the modifier 1 value will be 1.
    This will cause the first knob to control effect 1 amount and effect 2 amount.
    When the button is not pressed the knobs will control the corresponding FX parameter.

  7. #7
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    Default Chained effects select

    Loading FX and FX chains when in chained FX mode

    This is a very easy mapping tip. You can choose to assign one effect to a button. Or a whole chain. This tip is only to LOAD the effects into the unit, not tweaking parameters or settings.

     Add in… ‘Effect 1 Select’ to the button you want. (in FX chained)
    o Make sure the interaction mode is set to direct
    o Assign to the desired FX unit
    o Set the value to the effect you want the button to load.
    o Set the FX panel mode to 0

     To load a chain repeat the same steps to the same button, each time with a different effect.
    o Do this 3 times to load all three effects in the effect slots.

    Now when you press the button the selected FX unit will change to the effects you mapped.
    You can repeat this process with another button to store more chain presets.

  8. #8
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    Default Deck heading settings: “Beats” and ”Beats to cue”

    This is not really a mapping tip, but non the less very useful.
    I did not know traktor had this feature till today.
    Alot of people will propably know already but for everyone who doesn’t, here you go!

    in the deck details tab, there is a part named deck heading.
    Here you can select what information is shown above the waveform.
    (track title, artist, BPM etc.)

    These are my settings.
    In the bottom row you see “beats” and “beats to cue”. These are the ones I discovered.
    “Beats” gives you the count from the first beat to the position in the song you are.
    “Beats to cue” counts down the beats till the next cue point.

    44 is counted in 4 bars, or 16 beats.
    2 is counted in 1 bar, or 4 beats
    1 is counted in beats.

    This feature is very usefull, to see if songs are at the same place in a build up, not only in sync.
    Get to know this feature and it can be of much help.

  9. #9
    DJTT Moderator Dude Jester's Avatar
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    This thread should be stickied i think. Great stuff mate, keep em coming.
    Acer E5 i7 16GB 512SSD 2TBHD ~ WIN 10 ~ TSP 2.11 ~ AUDIO 6 ~ DUAL X1s ~ DN-X1600 ~ SPECTRA ~ TWISTER ~ ATH-PRO500 MK2 ~ ZED6FX ~ AT2020

    " I’m the Dude, so that’s what you call me. That or, uh His Dudeness, or uh Duder, or El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. "

  10. #10
    Tech Guru VanGogo's Avatar
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    per joostiisme's request here are some of my mapping videos to add to the thread.
    Sorry about not quite following the posting format. Some videos will walk you through step by step, others just tell you what you need to map. So if you can't figure out what to do from the video, come back to it after learning some of the more more basic midi mappings.You also may have to go to the youtube description to get the values to map.
    Last edited by VanGogo; 02-06-2011 at 09:44 PM.

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