- Equipment - 2X Technics 1200, 2X Audio Technica ATLP1240, 2X XDJ700, 2X XDJ1000 MK2, Denon DNX-1100, Mixars DUO, DJM750 MK2, NI Audio 10, NI Aduio 4, Serato SL3, 4X Shure M44-7, 2X Ortofon Pro S, 2X Numark Groove Tool, Maschine MK3, Samson Carbon 49, Roland SE-02, Novation Launchcontrol, TouchOSC, Nocation Peak, Arturia MiniBrute, Korg Volca Kick, MicroKorg (Classic), NI Komplete Audio 6
You would be amazed on how many people have been convinced into buying gold plated optical cables because gold is a better conductor...
- Equipment - 2X Technics 1200, 2X Audio Technica ATLP1240, 2X XDJ700, 2X XDJ1000 MK2, Denon DNX-1100, Mixars DUO, DJM750 MK2, NI Audio 10, NI Aduio 4, Serato SL3, 4X Shure M44-7, 2X Ortofon Pro S, 2X Numark Groove Tool, Maschine MK3, Samson Carbon 49, Roland SE-02, Novation Launchcontrol, TouchOSC, Nocation Peak, Arturia MiniBrute, Korg Volca Kick, MicroKorg (Classic), NI Komplete Audio 6
- Equipment - 2X Technics 1200, 2X Audio Technica ATLP1240, 2X XDJ700, 2X XDJ1000 MK2, Denon DNX-1100, Mixars DUO, DJM750 MK2, NI Audio 10, NI Aduio 4, Serato SL3, 4X Shure M44-7, 2X Ortofon Pro S, 2X Numark Groove Tool, Maschine MK3, Samson Carbon 49, Roland SE-02, Novation Launchcontrol, TouchOSC, Nocation Peak, Arturia MiniBrute, Korg Volca Kick, MicroKorg (Classic), NI Komplete Audio 6
In science, non-blinded data gathering and testing is not useless. In electronics repair, non-blinded testing is not useless. In quality assurance, non-blinded testing is not useless. In the development of new products, like codecs, non-blinded testing is not useless. There was the case of, I think it was one of the big European broadcast standards groups, where they did blinded testing with a great many people who heard nothing wrong with the output of a new codec. Test subjects did not know which was the test track and which was the original. It took a single golden ears outside engineer later who knew it was a test track to hear there was a spurious tone that a glitch in the codec had embedded, which was then confirmed with actual measurements. Useless non-blinded observation? Confirmation bias in observation and later measurement? Lack of utility? Hogwash. The codec was improved as a result. That's as empirical as you can get. The blind tests using random test subjects were showing one thing: that the average listener was a poor critical listener. There is certainly a hierarchy of power in science with blinded data gathering and testing above non-blinded, because bias and preconceptions in a variety of ways can influence results, knowingly or unknowingly. But that does not mean some Doctor Without Borders physician running a rapid TB test out in the boonies in Africa doesn't find utility in the test because he runs it on someone who's showing outward symptoms of TB. Pardon the pun, bro, but get real.
Basically what I was doing was using a technique sound engineers use to tune EQs for rooms and venues to help create a flat frequency response. I used a pink noise generator in ableton feeding two tracks and routed it directly into my NXS2 and used an iPad pro with a lightning connection to feed a real time analysis tool. The first track was a dry signal routed to the A side of my NXS2 and I had my B side with the same signal but with a 3 band EQ on it. I would use the NXS2 EQ to alter the dry signal on the A side and then recreate the crossover points and slope in ableton to match the NXS2 and then I could A/B to see and hear any difference. From my measurements I found the Low ISO to be around 290Hz and the High ISO to be around 4.8kHz. The slope appears to be 24db/oct.
Yeah, literally none of that is relevant to my comment.
I specifically said that in AUDIO testing, non blind tests are worthless. I didnt make any comment about science in general.
Its as worthless as eyewitness testimony, which is wrong as often as it is right for the same reasons. Human construct sensory data with their brains. You are not hearing a true representation of reality. Unless you have a reference that shows that people with golden ears are not subject to confirmation bias or placebo, then Im going to go with the decades of journal articles rather than your opinion.
Not quite sure why youve gone on about Tuberculosis.
Got a reference for your codec story?