^ This!
I so agree, I love my DDM4000 for its unlimited configurations.
I have one preset for DnB, and and pretty different one for House.
^ This!
I so agree, I love my DDM4000 for its unlimited configurations.
I have one preset for DnB, and and pretty different one for House.
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This makes tone of sense. I used to have a Xone:42 and I would tell folks the best way I could describe the feel was that every slight move of the EQ you could hear such a precise change in sound it made playing tunes an awesome blend of sounds. I loved the way that thing sounded. My Audio 8 thru a Xone:42 was like hot sex.
Yeah wondering the differences in the EQ's for Traktors the differences in the presets, and how much of a different they truly make in sound.
Great post man.
SSL - DJM 800 - Technic 1200's - X1 - ITCH - NS6 - VCI-300
This is, quite simply, untrue.
I don't know where you heard this.
If this statement was true then digital music production, and reproduction would simply not work as we know it today.
Using a 3 band eq if you give -3db to the high pot and the mid pot, and then you use the channel gain pot to gain the whole signal 3db, you are exactly, 1:1 the same, as if you left the channel pot alone, and added 3db to the low pot, in terms of dynamic range, and amplifier headroom.
The difference is when you leave your mixers EQ pots centered, then the frequencies they are set too (different for every mixer) do not effect the color of the sound.
SO, in the example, when you cut the mid and high frequency, you are cutting signal that is above the low setting for you particular mixer, and because of the progressive nature of the mid bands eq, even if you equally reduce the mid and high band, it still adds color as compared to cutting those frequencies equally with the channel gain.
AND in the example where we just boost the low, the only frequencies effected are those below the frequency set in that mixer, and if the mids and highs are left true flat, then the "color" of the mixer only presents itself in the low, and low-mid range.
So it is not that you get a "cleaner" bass boost when you use subtraction instead of addition (in subtraction you are still gaining the channel slightly to maintain overall volume). You are using different parts of the EQ band specific to how your mixer manufacturer assigned the frequencies to those bands, so one might give you a "warmer" boost, and the other may be more "muddy".
And thats not to say that for every single track that one way is going to be preferable. Both have their proper applications. And if you add, OR SUBTRACT to aggressively you will get negative results. Thats just a fact.
I'm having trouble traking down (lol) the crossover points Traktor uses as default... If you guys want to look, any help would be greatly appreciated as I would like to know this too.
The Rane 56, 57, and sixtyeight all use this:
Low: 300hz and down
mid:1200hz (dont know the Q ): )
high: 4000hz
(very close to my Behringers stock setting interestingly enough)
..also a slightly less aggressive take on why the Xone:42 sound better tuned than the DJM series.
DJM low: 70hz
X:42 low: 420hz
X4D low: 120hz
R56 low: 300hz
DDM low: 330hz
My low: 180/200hz
DJM mid: 1000hz
X:42 mid: 1200hz
X4D mid: 1400hz
R56 mid: 1200hz
DDM mid: 1400hz
my mid: 1200hz
DJM high: 13000hz
X:42 high: 2700hz
X4D high: 10000hz
R56 high: 4000hz
DDM high: 4200hz
my high: 5000hz
Will look into the Ecler Nuo's next!
Thanks for all the feedback guys!
The numbers exogenetic reported for Pioneer mixers are trash. To me, it looks like he took some numbers from the specifications without understanding what they mean. The numbers he reports do NOT refer to the crossover points.
Of course, most of us who have DJed on a Pio mixer will realize that movements in the Low knob yield significant response also above 70Hz.
And, for the record, my understanding is that A&H mixers sound "warmer" because, with all EQs in neutral position, they color the sound by taking away some high frequencies.
Last edited by itskindahot; 02-08-2011 at 05:00 AM.
Interesting read for sure!
Makes you wonder why there isn't an option in Traktor to set these levels for your custom mixer (5th option) and thus creating your own EQ levels.
2x A. Audio HTD 4.5 | Sony MDR 7506 | Xone:4D | Sony Vaio E i7 | 2x KRK 8 | Traktor Scratch Pro 2 | Launchpad | NI Maschine | NI Komplete 8 | Ableton Live 9
Interesting. That's not the whole story, as even with the EQs at 0dB, the mixers sound different from each other (very subtly) and my 62 still sounds like a 62 if you turn the EQs off.
So, I think there's other stuff going on, but…it's still interesting.