The reason WHY A&H sounds warmer than Pioneer - Page 5
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  1. #41
    Tech Guru djproben's Avatar
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    Nice ... you might have talked me into buying a DDM4000. I have had my eye on the DB4 for a while but it's really so far out of my budget as to be dreaming. This might just be the perfect solution to tide me over until I win the lottery....

  2. #42
    Tech Wizard tekkon's Avatar
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    Hamilton, ON


    thanks OP! lots of cool info in this one.

  3. #43


    DDM4000 sounds sexier with each new find lol. I can emulate any mixer you say? sounds like an ultimate test unit as well for practicing
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  4. #44
    Tech Wizard
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    super helpful man thanks

  5. #45
    Tech Guru exokinetic's Avatar
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    Ive had it for 2 years now, and I'm having a hard time deciding weather to get another one, or a new Nox606...
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  6. #46


    Quote Originally Posted by exokinetic View Post
    Ive had it for 2 years now, and I'm having a hard time deciding weather to get another one, or a new Nox606...
    Probably stick with the DDM since Im thinking that the Nox series are analogue and not digital.
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  7. #47
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    i was always under the impression equalizers just pull up and down from a center point based on what freq the knob is set to?

    you are making me think that you are thinking that the eq knobs are crossover points...which they are not...

    so if you set your bass knob at 200k and a + or -24db slope, you will either gain or lose 24dbs per octive starting at the center point of 200k...depending on which way you turn the by this rational you will definitely hear a major difference between EQs because their center EQ frequencies are different...

    yes? no? please correct me if i am wrong...

    (i didnt come here to fight...just clear up my thinkning)
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  8. #48
    Tech Guru mostapha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MuzicFreq View Post
    Probably stick with the DDM since Im thinking that the Nox series are analogue and not digital.
    Wow that's backwards from basically every other discussion I've read. I mean…you're not explicitly wrong, but it's really weird to see someone actually say that………

  9. #49
    Tech Guru exokinetic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mostapha View Post
    Wow that's backwards from basically every other discussion I've read. I mean…you're not explicitly wrong, but it's really weird to see someone actually say that………
    Heh, and the Nox being analogue was definitely a factor in its favor for my consideration...

    And its mostly a price point decision...

    If the Nox turns out to have solid sound quality then the money I save can to my $400 Audio 10 Upgrade with TSP2, another X1, and all kinds of other things I need more than an Allen & Heath sticker on the mixer in my bedroom.

    The day I'm outfitting my home studio, not bedroom, and I support my life with my income from performing, all number of high end sound equipment will be mine. But until then I am fully content with getting the most for my money.
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  10. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by mostapha View Post
    Wow that's backwards from basically every other discussion I've read. I mean…you're not explicitly wrong, but it's really weird to see someone actually say that………
    Its just that from all I been reading it seems their analogue mixers seem to crap out compared to the DDM4000

    People will want their Xone/Numark knockoffs but quality of the faders would be my fear unless they're all optical which I haven't read anything about the Nox series having.
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