Apple care?
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Thread: Apple care?

  1. #1
    Tech Guru sobi's Avatar
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    Default Apple care?

    Who has it? Who has utilized it? Who regrets getting it? Thinking about going and picking up a MBP tonight, and I'm wondering about the applecare option. I think of myself as a tech-savvy person, as I have dealt with PC's for the past decade plus. I'm just wondering if applecare is worth it though. I rarely hear about hardware failures within the first few years on a Mac (or PC for that matter), and it doesn't cover accidental damage as far as I can tell. Also, I faith in my skills to problem shoot to some extent due to working with my own PC's and trouble shooting them. Is apple care for me?

  2. #2
    Tech Mentor Jason Cerna's Avatar
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    I don't bother.

    I bought a G4 iBook in 2005 that is still going strong with its OEM parts. even used that for scratch live for a few years.

    In 2009, I bought a 24" iMac and had no problems with it.

    Last year, I bought my 3rd apple computer, a 13" MBP and I've had no problems with it.

    I have all my information backed up on several different drives. So, if the worst case scenario does come up, I won't sweat it. But, I have enough confidence in my gear that I don't worry too much.

  3. #3
    Tech Mentor
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    i wouldn't bother they aren't the best for iphones i doubt they would be for macs. I've had my mbp for over a year now and used best buys warranty actually instead of the applecare. But i've seen no issues arise at all since owning this beast haha.

  4. #4
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    Appears as if you can buy it anytime in the first year. I'm holding off on buying it for now. It's just like any other extended warranty, rarely used and companies make a ton of cash but if on the 5th day of the 13th month your shit breaks you'll be happy you bought it.

  5. #5
    Tech Mentor
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    I've had my 08 MBP since 08 with no coverage. Never had a problem. Battery is giving out but it had a good run for 3 years in my book.

  6. #6
    Tech Mentor
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    I bought it when I got my MB in 2006. And I used it twice, once for the area surrounding the keyboard that cracked, and again for the AC adapter (where the cord actually broke).

    While many reply posts are true in saying you'll likely never use it, I was glad I bought mine. Neither one of my issues had anything to do with the workings inside my computer.

  7. #7
    Tech Wizard
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    I bought it when I picked up my MBP. Two months later my hard drive failed completely, took it in to the "genius bar" (Which is a stupid name because some of those fools are dumb as hell) and they had it replaced within three days. Luckily had a back up and was back up and running in no time. I don't regret it, it was 300 dollars in parts and labor for free.

  8. #8
    Tech Guru Coldfuzion's Avatar
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    Honestly when buying things to use for DJing - especially apple computers - I would definitely go to Best Buy or any other place that covers accidental damage. I'm not worried about my computer crapping out or having internal problems. I am worried about the drunk chick who is about to spill her drink all over my laptop.

  9. #9
    Tech Mentor
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    I got 3rd party warranty, (ie store warranty). Cost me about 8% of the price of my MBP. I had to use it once to fix a problem with the trackpad not working. So I guess I made use of it.

    Its insurance. If you need it you're glad to have payed for it. If you never get to use it, then you think its a waste of money. The whole system is designed so that overall you lose out and they make a profit.

    I buy it on big ticket items because I'm not a habitual saver and therefore, don't always have money for repairs.

    If I lived in the states I would use squaretrade.
    Last edited by Kaek; 03-25-2011 at 08:36 PM.

  10. #10
    Tech Mentor michaeldunne109's Avatar
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    Getting macbook next week and i have no intention of getting it.

    However does applecare cover accidental damage i.e someone spilling a drink??
    I play everything Indie/ Rock/ HipHop/ Cheese/ Electro/ Dubstep and anything that sounds good

    Tsp 1.7/ Tsp 2/ Sony vaio Win 7 4gb Ram / Macbook Pro 13 inch (Main machine) /vci 100 se/ mixdeck/ audio 8/ technics rph headphones/ Custom xBox Controller/ Akai Lpd8

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