Deleting cue points without snapping back to them while track is playing?
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  1. #1
    Tech Guru
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    Default Deleting cue points without snapping back to them while track is playing?

    Is it possible to delete a cue point/hot cue on a track that is playing without having the tune snap back to the cue point you're wanting to delete? Say I hit an unassigned cue button by mistake it will assign it to what ever part of the track is currently playing. But if I want to delete it on the fly (say in case I might forget to do it after the track has finished) it will snap back to it as it deletes it. Is there a way to not make this happen?


  2. #2
    DJTT Tankard fullenglishpint's Avatar
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    That doesn't happen for me
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  3. #3
    Tech Convert
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    ahhh... I suffered from this for a year... trick is to set whatever modifier you're using to delete to zero when your triggering the cue...

    so set/cue = m1-0
    delete cue = m1=1 (or whatever)

  4. #4
    Tech Guru
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    Quote Originally Posted by BlueJay View Post
    ahhh... I suffered from this for a year... trick is to set whatever modifier you're using to delete to zero when your triggering the cue...

    so set/cue = m1-0
    delete cue = m1=1 (or whatever)
    That's what I got already. Well, I got 8 'set hot cue' buttons set up (not on a modifier, just regular buttons), and I got 8 'delete hot cue's' that are set to the same 8 buttons but using a modifier. 'Set hot cue' buttons dont have a condition as they dont have a modifier, but the 'delete hot cue's' condition is M1=1.

  5. #5
    Tech Convert
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    yeh, that's the problem.. they actually NEED a modifier... luckily that modifier is ZERO.. so no button need to be pressed. Trust me. Make all of the Hotcue Set M1=0 and life will be grand

  6. #6
    DJTT Tankard fullenglishpint's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dodge View Post
    That's what I got already. Well, I got 8 'set hot cue' buttons set up (not on a modifier, just regular buttons), and I got 8 'delete hot cue's' that are set to the same 8 buttons but using a modifier. 'Set hot cue' buttons dont have a condition as they dont have a modifier, but the 'delete hot cue's' condition is M1=1.
    There's your problem. You have to set a M1=0 condition to all the set hotcue buttons, or that function will also activate when you delete them. M1=0 is not the same as not putting anything.
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  7. #7
    Tech Guru
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    Ahhh shiaat! It all becomes clear now! Sorry, aint done any mapping in a while, bit rusty with staying focussed on the little details!

    Nice one. thanks for the help!

  8. #8
    Tech Student
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    thanks for the info, i was looking for the exact same thing. Thanks!

  9. #9
    DJTT Tankard fullenglishpint's Avatar
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    No problem!
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