Midi Controllerism Software - Page 3
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  1. #21


    Is there any OS X software that converts keystrokes or MIDI to mouse cursor actions?
    I need a piece of OS X software that converts keystroke or MIDI commands to mouse cursor actions (like, designates a position on the screen and clicks). For example, typing control-T or hitting a MIDI note would move the mouse pointer to pixel coordinates (500,500) and then click on that point on the screen.

  2. #22

    Default http://www.touchosc-templates.com

    Touch OSC Template Developed For Traktor Pro And Apple Ipad.

    For Mac os x Computers


    Demo: [ame]http://vimeo.com/14254117[/ame]

  3. #23
    Tech Convert
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    Aug 2010

    Default touchAble for Ableton & iPad


    futur of controlerism is here

    itunes App store since few days...

  4. #24


    MAX/MSP is my favourite. it is a midi, osc and signal environment. By cycling 74. http://cycling74.com/

  5. #25
    Tech Mentor
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    Aug 2010
    Iowa City, Iowa


    With the software that converts keyboard strokes to midi. If i were to open up a keyboard take out the board and connect it to some arcade buttons I could skip making firmware for a midi controller that would be made with something like an arduino or I-Pac?

  6. #26


    He guys! Yesterday I found the perfect solution for us - Fergos Midi Joystick

    It is a translator from HID (Gamepad...) to Midi AND Keystrokes!

    It supports multiple Joysticks AND is freeware! The tool we have ever wanted? I tested it with a Saitek USB Gamepad and a XBOX 360 wireless Controller. It works perfect - good news for the next DIY Projects

  7. #27
    Tech Guru Archies'bald's Avatar
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    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Robin Raydon View Post
    He guys! Yesterday I found the perfect solution for us - Fergos Midi Joystick

    It is a translator from HID (Gamepad...) to Midi AND Keystrokes!

    It supports multiple Joysticks AND is freeware! The tool we have ever wanted? I tested it with a Saitek USB Gamepad and a XBOX 360 wireless Controller. It works perfect - good news for the next DIY Projects
    If I can get that to work with my projects then you can have my first born. It looks a lot like Rejoice, which is good news for me.

    I will download it tonight when I get home from work and start playing around with the multiple joypads I have in bits. I've never been able to get Glovepie to do what I want, so thanks for the heads up.

  8. #28


    Yes I searched a lot for this thing... And found it in an online-forum where a person dealt with the same problems (e.g. that only one controller is working) Maybe I will post a tutorial for this on my Youtube Channel this weekend
    Last edited by Robin Raydon; 11-19-2010 at 06:35 AM.

  9. #29
    Tech Guru Archies'bald's Avatar
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    May 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Robin Raydon View Post
    Yes I searched a lot for this thing... And found it in an online-forum where a person troubled around with the same problems (e.g. that only one controller is working) Maybe I will post a tutorial for this on my Youtube Channel this weekend
    Thanks very much. Your too kind. I will have a bit of free time this weekend and will trawl through the program and try to get it working. I'm hopeful though as I could get Rejoice working with not too much bother.

    Do I still require Midi Yoke to get this working?

  10. #30


    Yes you will still need Midi Yoke or Maple Midi to get this into the DJ Software.

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