Kontrol S4 problem - Master LED-Light
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  1. #1
    Tech Convert Ch1337's Avatar
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    Default Traktor Kontrol S4 - Master LED-Light, controller won't connect


    I've been experiencing a problem lately with my Traktor Kontrol S4.
    When I plug my controller, all the lights blinks one time, like it does on every start-up of the controller.
    But when that's done, the only thing flashing is the Master(USB?)-LED.
    What does this mean?

    I've restarted the controller, Traktor 2 and my computer.
    I've also checked device manager and I CAN see the controller in the USB-hub section.

    I've seen a couple of threads on different forums with this problem, but all in all, no solutions.

    So does anybody have an Idea what this could be?
    Last edited by Ch1337; 06-02-2011 at 04:42 PM.

  2. #2


    that normally means it aint plugged into your computer.

    make sure its plugged in correctly, it can be a bit stiff around the back of the s4.
    have you tried a different usb port and/or a different usb cable ?

    ps. i know ya can see the device in the usb hub section, but i dont know what else it could be other than a loose connection or inactive usb port

    pps. welcome to the forums. and if i aint helping ya, im sure one of the bigger boys will be along shortly to help ya out. hope ya figue it out
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  3. #3
    Tech Convert Ch1337's Avatar
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    Thanks for your answer : )

    As I mentioned, I CAN find the controller in the Device Manager, so I doubt it's faulty connected.
    In addition I've tried to change USB-Port several times, but still nothin' :\

    And also this has started happening recently, so it has worked fine earlier.

    And last, please excuse my bad english ^^

    Thanks! : )
    Last edited by Ch1337; 06-03-2011 at 01:35 AM.
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  4. #4
    Tech Convert
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    I also have this problem occasionally. Restarting TPS2 normally solves it but can be annoying.
    Last edited by DaBeef; 06-03-2011 at 03:25 AM.

  5. #5
    Tech Convert Ch1337's Avatar
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    I think I might've tried everything... :\
    Still nothign though...
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  6. #6
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    Have you tried a different cable? Is it plugged into your computer or a hub? Have you tried a different port on your computer? Does the computer have some type of power save feature on the USB's?
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  7. #7
    Tech Convert Ch1337's Avatar
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    No hub, I've tried switching USB-ports like 20 times.
    No power-saving modes : )
    Yes, I've tried switching cable two times.
    I'm 90% sure that it's not my cable and not my USB-ports.
    As I mentioned, this started yesterday for real.
    (It has happened a few times earlier, but then I just re-plugged/restarted the controller, and everything was fine.)

    EDIT: And yeah, I doubt it's the cable. As I mentioned in the first post I can find the controller in Device Manager, with no problems detected
    Last edited by Ch1337; 06-03-2011 at 11:52 AM.
    "I see you, now you see me, you see I see you fucking with me."

  8. #8
    Tech Convert Ch1337's Avatar
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    "I see you, now you see me, you see I see you fucking with me."

  9. #9


    is you cable loose on any end ???
    i know sometimes USBs can tend to loosen up after a while
    also, as i said earlier, make sure your cable is pushed in fully into your S4, it is quite a tight fit.

    other than that, im stumped to what your issue may be
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  10. #10
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    Tried to connect to a another computer?

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