Attention -- Off Topic teh Rulez! - Page 6
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  1. #51
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    Guns is not a rational discussion subject...the first one got very heated and almost became anti-american...guns are and will always be a hot spot for debate...some people are very passionate about them...for and against...

    the same as religion...

    act like adults? can do that first...and realize that having heated arguements on a DJ website isnt good for the site as a whole...
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
    Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal

  2. #52
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    Nada you can talk about any of that all you want. As soon as people start acting like idiots and arguing about it it will be closed though. We've closed Traktor vs Serato threads, Mac Vs PC threads and many others because people were not able to discuss those things as mature adults.
    Chris Jennings FHP

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  3. #53
    Tech Guru JonathanBlake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Nada View Post
    How about a rule that says people have to act like adults?
    Some things souldn't have to be rules, they should be inherent.
    356 reasons why

  4. #54
    Tech Guru JonathanBlake's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tekki View Post
    Maar natuurlijk, kom erbij!
    Toe ek 'n instrukteur in die weermag was, mag ons slegs Afrikaans gebruik. Op daardie stadium was my Afrikaans eintlik beter as my huistaal. Gelukkig het ek 'n maat wat Afrikaans is. Dis lekker om die taal so af en toe te gebruik. Dis ook baie lekker vir vloek woorde
    356 reasons why

  5. #55
    DJTT Moderator Dude Jester's Avatar
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    added "other controversial subjects" to the sticky so we are all on the same page, and the poor mods dont get accused of subject bias
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  6. #56
    DJTT Tankard fullenglishpint's Avatar
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    You sure about that Jes? Banning talk of 'controversial subjects' almost sounds like killing off any kind of debate. I've always liked this forum and I totally understand why this thread came about, but that's starting to sound like over policing.

    I know you guys have a tough job, but just had to say that.
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  7. #57
    Tech Mentor
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    Quote Originally Posted by photojojo View Post
    Nada you can talk about any of that all you want. As soon as people start acting like idiots and arguing about it it will be closed though. We've closed Traktor vs Serato threads, Mac Vs PC threads and many others because people were not able to discuss those things as mature adults.
    Fine, let's leave threads open unless people start acting like idiots and being crazy. What you guys have done is banned us from talking about certain TOPICS. Nobody was being rude or crazy in the thread I started, you shut it down because of the subject matter. That's a little thought-policeish, don't you think?

    Keithace, guns are only controversial in some places. Last weekend I was shooting at the grandparents house, right by the road. People drove past and waved. Two random guys came over to check out my rifle, nobody cared that I was shooting a cardboard box. I bought the ammo and targets at the local Wal-mart, which also sells guns. It's totally normal in many parts of the country, maybe not where you're from, but you should expand your view of the world a little.

  8. #58
    DJTT Ninja Mod tekki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Nada View Post
    That's not a community I want to be a part of.
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  9. #59
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Nada View Post
    Fine, let's leave threads open unless people start acting like idiots and being crazy. What you guys have done is banned us from talking about certain TOPICS. Nobody was being rude or crazy in the thread I started, you shut it down because of the subject matter. That's a little thought-policeish, don't you think?

    Keithace, guns are only controversial in some places. Last weekend I was shooting at the grandparents house, right by the road. People drove past and waved. Two random guys came over to check out my rifle, nobody cared that I was shooting a cardboard box. I bought the ammo and targets at the local Wal-mart, which also sells guns. It's totally normal in many parts of the country, maybe not where you're from, but you should expand your view of the world a little.
    expand my view of the world?...go screw...really...go fucking screw...

    don't judge me you have no idea who i am or what i do or have done...i come from a cop's family where guns were always around...i have dove hunted numerous times and learned to shoot when i was a kid...

    so really...go screw...

    punk ass kid...
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
    Not need, just feed the war cannibal animal

  10. #60
    DJTT Moderator Dude Jester's Avatar
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    And .. every post above this is why.
    Last edited by Jester; 08-19-2011 at 12:32 AM.
    Acer E5 i7 16GB 512SSD 2TBHD ~ WIN 10 ~ TSP 2.11 ~ AUDIO 6 ~ DUAL X1s ~ DN-X1600 ~ SPECTRA ~ TWISTER ~ ATH-PRO500 MK2 ~ ZED6FX ~ AT2020

    " I’m the Dude, so that’s what you call me. That or, uh His Dudeness, or uh Duder, or El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. "

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