ICON iDJ First Impressions - Page 9
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  1. #81
    Tech Guru synthet1c's Avatar
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    Nov 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by zestoi View Post
    maybe it actually does have midi feedback? looking at some of the extra leds under the surface here?
    I'd say the lights are in that pic are static, I think that is so you can place the different overlays on top with clear lettering so it lights up, it's a very cool idea. but I think the other leds will be software controlled as only 2 of the hotcue's leds are on. It's a shame they didn't implement led feedback on an iDJ2.0, I would definitely buy another one.
    Why did the elephant get lost... Cause the Jungle is MASSIVE!

  2. #82
    Tech Guru synthet1c's Avatar
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    @jipsa yeah I have an istage aswell, it has terrible implimentation in traktor mode not allowing the use of the leds, you can only control whether the led is red or off, and the background is split in two half blue and half purple. You also lose the velocity sensitivity. never used in in ableton.

    Their customer support is also non existent.
    Why did the elephant get lost... Cause the Jungle is MASSIVE!

  3. #83


    i know this is an old thread but has anyone got this to work for ios device apps like dj player, algoriddim, etc...?

  4. #84
    Tech Student
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    Aug 2015

    Default Vinyl Mode button doesn't seem to send MIDI message

    I'm trying to remap the controller for Traktor, mostly using the 'Device Mapping - Learn' function. This is a pretty straight forward method, when one presses the button on the controller, its message appears in Traktor (e.g. Ch1.Note.A#4 for the left player Play Button, or Ch1.Note.B4 for the right Cue button)

    One hick up... the Vinyl Mode buttons don't seem to send any MIDI message when I press them. Anyone the same experience or is my unit defective?

    Ideas are more than welcome...

  5. #85
    Join Date
    Jan 2020

    Default MIDI from Vinyl button

    hey folks, I just ordered one of these for christmas from a retailer in Germany for use with Djay. I am really stoked about the number of the controls and the pages of mappings I can have, but looking into the MIDI software that it comes from, it seems as though the Vinyl button can be given some MIDI functionality. The LED feedback issue will have to be worked around, especially since I plan to use a button for SHIFT functions and will miss having LED feedback to tell me what I have active or not.
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  6. #86
    Tech Convert
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    Dec 2019

    Default Jogwheel mapping problem

    Hi there,

    Just a short intro what happened before I go into my actual question:

    I have purchased an Icon IDJ for my mobile DJ setup. I have been looking through all the midi controllers out there and this seems to be the only real portable solution with touch sensitive jogwheels and a full fledged mixer that I could find. My first unit had to be returned as the jogwheels were broken.
    My second unit also has some slight problems with the right jogwheel, sometimes it loses contact while in scratching mode. Also the pitch fader is already loose.
    So I ordered a 3rd one that is now on its way, will keep the best one then but for the price of 39€ it was worth the experiment.

    I made a custom mapping for Algoriddim Djay which can be found here: https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/10922

    My Problem:

    The jogwheels work well in scratch mode and are sending control change midi data to be recognized as a rotary encoder in DJay.
    But they work as a button (sending a noe on/off?) when moving them in nonscratch mode. I wanted to adjust the sensitivity of the pitch bend but as they work as 2 buttons (each in either direction assigned to pitch+ and pitch-) this is not possible. I am wondering why they are being picked up as buttons and not as rotary like in scratch mode. Anything I need to remap here with imap software? I have not found a way to change this behavior.
    Have you guys noticed that as well because some in here swear by the jogwheels, I thought I might be missing something.

    Could this be a software problem?

    It is not the biggest deal breaker but it makes beatmatching a bit uncomfortable as it reacts very sensitive like it is now.

    Thanks for your ideas and help!

    Edit: I just got a reply from Icon customer service and it seems that there is no solution for this, they only send button information.
    Last edited by axibert; 06-22-2020 at 07:23 AM.

  7. #87
    Tech Convert
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    Dec 2019


    When regularly connected to a grounded power source (or at least if any part of the setup is connected to ground) scratching mode works perfectly fine. When I am hooking all up to my powerbank and mobile speakers scratch mode on the jogwheels won\'t work anymore. I have to touch a metal part of the device or any other metal part of the setup to be able to have the jogwheels recognice my touch.

    I have already tried using a audio isolator with no success and now purchased a USB Isolator to get rid of this problem. How can I ground the setup? Is there any way to do this?

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