Traktor Pro 2 Uninstaller Issue
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  1. #1
    Tech Guru Dustin V's Avatar
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    Deep down South

    Default Traktor Pro 2 Uninstaller Issue

    Hey guys,

    I need some of your DJTT Traktor wisdom power to help me out.

    I recently sold my S4 and unregistered the software. After that I uninstalled it from my MBP. I then installed Traktor LE which came with my X1, in order to upgrade to TP2 and keep on going.

    Now this is where the issue comes. When I opened Service Center after reinstalling it didn't update itself, and it was still showing that I have the S4, TP2 and TLE installed, when actually I only have the LE installed? I tried to see whats up and get it updated but no luck for me. So I emailed NI and they replied saying that I need to completely remove Traktor from my MBP and reinstall from fresh.

    The thing is I don't want to do this as I don't want to lose all of my hard word beatgridding my tracks. Is there a way to reinstall, get everything updated (Service Center) and keep my beatgrids and settings?

    If I completely remove Traktor and reinstall again I will lose everything right? What can I do to avoid this? Thanks in advance guys!
    2013 MBPr 13" | X1 mk2 | TSP 2 | A6 | DJM 900 nexus | HD 25 UBER Aluminum's | Technics sl1210 mk2's | Logic Pro 9

  2. #2
    Tech Guru Dustin V's Avatar
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    Deep down South



    2013 MBPr 13" | X1 mk2 | TSP 2 | A6 | DJM 900 nexus | HD 25 UBER Aluminum's | Technics sl1210 mk2's | Logic Pro 9

  3. #3
    DJTT Dominator JesC's Avatar
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    i would say to back up your traktor folder, and use a appcleaner to wipe the program clean, install LE run service center and register.
    Controllerist: Think different | SoundCloud | MixCloud | Twitter |

  4. #4
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    You can try to reinstall service center.
    Chris Jennings FHP

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  5. #5
    DJTT Administrator del Ritmo padi_04's Avatar
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    I can't find it in NI's site so I'm attaching their app (Mac only). It should do the job. Like JesC recommended, backup your NI folder located by default in User/Documents/Native Instruments/Traktor 2.0.X

    Alternatively, you can try this

    The locations that refer to Traktor are:

    * Macintosh HD/Applications/PRODUCTNAME folder
    * Macintosh HD/Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments.PRODUCTNAME.plist
    * Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/PRODUCTNAME
    * Macintosh HD/Users/your_username/Library/Preferences/com.native-instruments.PRODUCTNAME.plist
    * Macintosh HD/Users/your_username/Library/Application Support/Native Instruments/PRODUCTNAME

    The other affect their producer line.

    EDIT: the app doesn't work with Traktor, but i'm keeping it here in case anyone needs to remove Service Center, a Synth/Sampler, drivers, etc.
    Last edited by padi_04; 08-05-2011 at 05:41 PM.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by padi_04 View Post
    I can't find it in NI's site so I'm attaching it. This will do the job.

    Alternatively, you can try this


    its important to get familiar with your OS.
    No need for any 3rd party "app cleaner" when you know how to properly maintain your computer!

  7. #7
    Tech Guru Dustin V's Avatar
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    Deep down South


    Thanks for your help guys, you're all awesome!

    So everything's sorted out and in tip top shape now. I backed up my NI folder, used the uninstaller followed some of NI suggestions and reinstalled TP2.

    Now all is good and in order. Thanks once again guys, I knew I could count on my fellow DJTT buddies!
    2013 MBPr 13" | X1 mk2 | TSP 2 | A6 | DJM 900 nexus | HD 25 UBER Aluminum's | Technics sl1210 mk2's | Logic Pro 9

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