Real nice man.
very sexy, man. What did you use for the LED lights under the shelf?
Ecler NUO 3.0, 2 1210mk2, midi fighter, Kontrol X1, Akai LPD8, Reloop RHP10's, TSP, Audio 8
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You all are making me jealous with these Ikea setups.. They look fantastic!
Wish there was a Ikea nearby.. Ordering these parts on the web store will cost more to ship than the actual parts themselves.
Nice job Xone, I'm wondering what hook/braket that is that you used for the headphones.
Also the is 2 Expedit bookcases correct?
Traktor Scratch Pro 2, 2X Stanton STR8-80, 2X Denon DN-S700, Akai APC40 + APC20, DDM4000, KRKRokit 8, HD25-II, iPad (Touch OSC)
yeah it is two