The improvised DJ/production desk thread - Page 4
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  1. #31
    Tech Mentor
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithace View Post
    Mdf + saw + some thought + screws and gorilla glue > anything bought from a store
    In the right hands, yes. No offense but I'm thinking the Ikea setup > your chopped up MDF desk in looks and functionality. But opinions are like...

  2. #32
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    Some random thoughts.

    I have the Expedit shelf and a Vika Amon table top. I also have two 2X4 stacked on top of each other at each end between the shelf and the table top. This raises it to almost nearly perfect height. top to bottom is 35.5" which puts everything pretty much just right. It could go up another inch, but not down any at all. For reference I'm 5'8"

    The table top is nice because it saves you the money from buying a second shelving unit and it creates an overhang to put your legs under more like a desk. I have a bar stool I'll use when I'm not mixing. Then it can also serve as a production spot.

    The gap created by the 2X4's create a nice space for some lighting that won't distract you, but can be seen by others in the room.

    I was going to use those exact legs, but decided the table top and 2X4 method would be much sturdier. I wouldn't try and screw anything together on this. It would probably work, but the inside of this cheap Ikea stuff is usually card board. Liquid Nails all the way.

    With the S4 and one X1 I had to put the turntables in battle style so they would all fit. Now with a four channel mixer and two X1's I can have one TT regular and one battle style. With the table top I also have room for the APC40 in front of the regular TT.

    Quote Originally Posted by keithace View Post
    Mdf + saw + some thought + screws and gorilla glue > anything bought from a store
    Normally I would agree and I'm pretty handy with a saw, but there'es no way I could make something that looks nearly as good for the same amount of money.
    Chris Jennings FHP

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  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xonetacular View Post
    some sketchup fun

    Parts list: 2x $14.99 each 3 packs $10 each 2x $69.99 each 1x $29.99 2x 6.99 each

    $242 total

    I am also looking into lighting: maybe 2 of these for one color LED light strip in each of the front cubes, then I would leave it open or put a plexiglass panel in front

    +80 with two light kits and another $40 if I add a plexiglass panel for the front

    The expedits will fit my 2x technics and S4 perfectly. My only thing is the shelf is a little narrow at 10", just enough for a laptop but too small for my maschine and apc40

    I've built this exact same setup except that I didn't mount my monitors like that. Not yet at least. It's super easy to build. If you want you can PM and i'll send you instructions.

    I have led's mounted under neath the lack shelf. I also cut out squares of the same black color for the back of the expedit. So that my cables can hang down and you don't see a jungle of wires everywhere. The top row of expedit square houses 1-2 controllers in each square, which makes them look like cool museum pieces. I also have LED's mounted on the top 4 squares of the expedit so that the controllers get a little spotlight effect.

    Aside from that I didn't put the captia legs on the bottom because i'm a 5'6 and didn't need them.

    I also raised up the S4 to turntable height by buying 4 sets of black coasters from ikea. Since it came with 5 coasters per pack it formed a nice round 3 inch high circle. It looks like it's part of the s4.

    It's an awesome build and super cheap. And not to mention it did with the 1st ever DJTT show you setup competition.

  4. #34
    RGAS Guru Xonetacular's Avatar
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    Sweet, got any other pics? I was looking at doing mine double wide with two expedits but maybe that's a bit overkill.

    I also saw some people putting a platform above the expedit raised up instead of legs on the bottom which I might do instead.

    maybe that above a single expedit and I will have angled capita legs supporting the table top above the expedit then the shelf attached to the table top.

  5. #35
    RGAS Guru Xonetacular's Avatar
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  6. #36
    DJTT Infectious Moderator photojojo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xonetacular View Post
    Sweet, got any other pics? I was looking at doing mine double wide with two expedits but maybe that's a bit overkill.

    I also saw some people putting a platform above the expedit raised up instead of legs on the bottom which I might do instead.

    maybe that above a single expedit and I will have angled capita legs supporting the table top above the expedit then the shelf attached to the table top.
    That's exactly what I did with that top. The raised top is a lot sturdier than legs. More info in my post above.
    Chris Jennings FHP

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  7. #37
    RGAS Guru Xonetacular's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by photojojo View Post
    That's exactly what I did with that top. The raised top is a lot sturdier than legs. More info in my post above.
    Cool you got a pic?

    I'm thinking the legs would be too fragile especially if you ever moved it in the room they might bend off. I think an elevated platform would look better and if I wanted to slide it across the room it would be less fragile.

    I'm also thinking doubling up on the expedits and finding a way to secure them together would be a pain.

    The one thing I liked about having two expedits is the front one could just be used open for lighting effects and the rear for storage but that is getting complicated.

    I want to try to hide a power strip somewhere in it along with all my plugs. Additionally I want to integrate a powered usb hub that is hidden so I can just plug one thing into the mixer.

    I'm just not sure what to do about my monitors. Personally I can't stand mixing when the monitors aren't directly at ear level if I can help it.

    Do you think 4 capita angle brackets securing the long shelf to the table and one capita bracket on top of that securing a small shelf for each monitor would be too much weight? Like what I showed in the sketchup model but two more capita angle legs on the bottom.

    It's too bad they don't make a vertical mount like that instead of the angle.

  8. #38
    Moderator keithace's Avatar
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    mine cost me less than 50 bucks...but go ahead and spend money on the "coolness" won't make you better...but you can tell everyone "i'm a DJ"...
    Weapons, not food, not homes, not shoes
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  9. #39
    Tech Guru DigitalDevil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithace View Post
    mine cost me less than 50 bucks...but go ahead and spend money on the "coolness" won't make you better...but you can tell everyone "i'm a DJ"...
    U best b trollin

  10. #40
    Tech Guru MrPopinjay's Avatar
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    Honestly if I had the money I'd just wanna make the inside of my house look nice.
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