Hi and welcome.
This forum is all about showing off your setup.
Any user may open a thread in which he or she will keep the rest of the DJTT community up to date about the gear that is used, why this gear was chosen and what was done to overcome obstacles along the way.
This will also give everybody a nice historical overview of how one's setup has evolved over the years, which is always cool to look into.
Rules of Engagement
The way this is going down is as followed:
Users open a single thread in which they start logging about their gear and the way it's set up.
Threads will all be named the same ie: [Your Name's Setup] no additional symbols to make your setup stand out.
Other users will be able to ask questions about the setups within the threads themselves.
Keep up with the Sticky!
The DJTT mods and admins will try to keep up with the booths/setups and round pictures up in a single thread in which only the mods and admins can post.
This way the users will be able to quickly flick through the updates posted in this forum.
Is this it?! Nope there's more!
Every month we will select a booth/setup to be featured on the blog. We will conduct a short interview and try to get some high res images of the booth.
History of 'Show your setup' - a.k.a. the retired threads
Show your setup - created by
Show Your Setup Part II
So let's get cracking and make this wonderful!