Hi, just wondering if the faders fit the eq faders on a vestax tphoon?
Hi, just wondering if the faders fit the eq faders on a vestax tphoon?
Does it fit on Push?
Anyone know if the knobs fit on a Hercules RMX 2. They worked for the original so I hope they do.
Also anyone know what the 90 Degree Super Knobs are. New thing i noticed that only comes in grey green and blue
Hercules RMX 2 Traktor Kontrol F1
Check out my F1 hot cue mapping https://maps.djtechtools.com/mappings/1376
Traktor Z1 for Ipad and laptop.
I would love to know if the Faders fit on a Numark DXM-Pro
Fader caps do not fit.
Rotary pot cap fit perfect.
Last edited by Stewe; 08-29-2013 at 03:33 PM.
Is there any way to consolidate all the pictures that people have taken of their gear, and put links for each type of unit in the first post? For example, I would love to see pictures of DDJ-SXs with caps on them, but it is really time consuming to having to go through the entire thread trying to find links. One section in the initial post for "DDJ-SX" with a link to all the pictures would be really great.
So, the Phatty's don't push all the way down for you either, huh? I got some grey ones for my filter knobs, but I hate how they stick up. Anyone got a mod to make them push further down??? Just ordered Super knobs for my gains and 2 more channel fader caps. Will post pic when installed.
Guys I have DJM 707, will the 90° super knob and faders fit it? ?
Last edited by SychedelicForces; 10-12-2013 at 11:55 AM.