Traktor Crashing: VCI-100 1.3, Traktor Pro 1.0.1, TSI 1_4
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  1. #1
    Tech Wizard trump's Avatar
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    Orlando, FL

    Default Traktor Crashing: VCI-100 1.3, Traktor Pro 1.0.1, TSI 1_4

    Hey all,

    I finally got my firmware updated today to 1.3. I'm running Traktor 1.0.1, and I loaded up Ean's original SE tsi (VCI-100SE1_4_20). I got everything working just as it was supposed to, but then I thought back to a few weeks ago when I tried to load in the same tsi (albeit without the firmware update), and it would freeze Traktor, then crash everytime I tried to start it until I completely reinstalled Traktor (I had a thread for that issue at one point in time... I hoped the firmware upgrade would solve it).

    I was worried this would start happening again, so while my Traktor Pro/VCI 100 v1.3/1_4 tsi were working happily together, I restarted Traktor to make sure I would be ok. I wasn't. Traktor crashes everytime I try to load it up.

    Does anyone have a clue what's going on here?

    Trance is:"By far the best form of music that exists. A recent study showed that if a population is divided into musical preference, those who claim a strong allegiance to trance have the highest average IQ. Trance is the music of the genius-generation."

  2. #2
    Mr. Golden EanGolden's Avatar
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    Mar 2008
    San Francisco


    you may want to try the latest version of traktor 1.1

    there were a lot of strange bugs before the latest one where TSI's created with different versions would cause problems and not import. I have never heard of a TSI file crashing traktor though- this sounds like a corrupted install. You should delete all related traktor files, do a fresh install and the re-import your collection.

  3. #3
    Tech Wizard
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Manchester UK


    I've had the same problem, if I go into my documents and get rid of the native instruments folder it solves the problems :s strange only does it if i import a TSI. Will try a full reinstall tonight.
    Traktor Pro, Live 7
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