Frogstar's Zombie Raver Vomit setup - Page 3
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  1. #21


    Most everything I produce is made just to be manipulated live.. Im kind of taking the long road because for me NextStep style is based on building a track to 3d animation/video manipulation and then adjusting the audio to fit the video, and then vice versa till I can get it fuzed into something strange. Problem is atm Im working fulltime so Im spending most of my time with elements of different things which later will be combined. Im coming from a MTV background where all of this was just daily work but only for 5-20 second clips. 12 years of MTV and some DMT has warped my view of making generic things. I tend to stay away from the formula which makes things go slower.. And my current job is way to dangerous in terms of time. I can be called at any time of the day or night.. which never allows me to focus on anything for too long.

  2. #22
    Tech Wizard
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    Dec 2010


    Quote Originally Posted by djfrogstar View Post
    Most everything I produce is made just to be manipulated live.. Im kind of taking the long road because for me NextStep style is based on building a track to 3d animation/video manipulation and then adjusting the audio to fit the video, and then vice versa till I can get it fuzed into something strange. Problem is atm Im working fulltime so Im spending most of my time with elements of different things which later will be combined. Im coming from a MTV background where all of this was just daily work but only for 5-20 second clips. 12 years of MTV and some DMT has warped my view of making generic things. I tend to stay away from the formula which makes things go slower.. And my current job is way to dangerous in terms of time. I can be called at any time of the day or night.. which never allows me to focus on anything for too long.
    This explains everything

  3. #23
    Tech Wizard
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    Dec 2011


    What is "NextStep"?

  4. #24



  5. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Smaze View Post
    What is "NextStep"?
    NextStep=Video/audio blend

    The name is appropriate because pure music has not changed since the begining. The genre is beyond just music. Installations, interactive elements, visualizations, video sampling.. all that stuff.. is NextStep.

    Here is something I made around 6 years ago with a friend.. we bounced the music to the video and the video to the music.. old school stuff.. but kind of an idea Ive been getting back into again..
    Last edited by djfrogstar; 01-12-2012 at 11:54 PM.

  6. #26

  7. #27
    Tech Wizard
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    Dec 2011


    What are you using to edit video?

  8. #28


    Mainly aftereffects.. been using this almost 18 years now. You have the most control with AE over any other program bar none. Photoshop with wheels is what we always called it.

  9. #29
    Tech Mentor
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    Apr 2011
    Portland, OR


    Quote Originally Posted by djfrogstar View Post
    You got balls, dude. Brass ones.

  10. #30


    Decided to make setup with out being a slave to my macbook ball and chain pro

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