Frogstar's Zombie Raver Vomit setup - Page 6
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  1. #51


    Quote Originally Posted by Xonetacular View Post
    Go modular, it's totally awesome and worth it.

    I just started a little 3u eurorack setup and it is a lot of fun, I will probably be at 6u in a couple weeks. Totally worth it- eurorack isn't that expensive in the scheme of things and if you don't spend the money on modular it will just be something else.

    The DB4 is pretty great- it has one aux input so you can get 5 channels out of it.
    I need to check the specs again... Right now I have 2 peices of gear going into the 2 AUX inputs.. and the AUX sends I use to go through two different hardware FX bypassing the fader. The aux knobs let me send different combos of channels which is perfect because the chain continues from the FX units and into the soundcard. The fx are so nice on the DB4, that mabey its worth to just go directly into ableton. OTO biscuit and SL20 are the hardware FX Im using atm
    Originally Posted by Oliosky
    I love my mommy's milk

  2. #52
    Tech Guru Otacon's Avatar
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    would love to see a vid of you using this gorgeous setup man
    If you don't have haters, you're not doing it right

  3. #53
    Tech Guru DarioJ's Avatar
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    North & Central FL


    I am guessing you do dubstep? LOL. Did you know you were going to build this, or did this little community of monsters/gear just manifest itself over time?
    The MUSIC is what matters!
    Everything else is _________

  4. #54
    DJTT Dominator JesC's Avatar
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    holy Nikes! now thats a setup. bath salts are a hell'va drug.
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  5. #55

  6. #56
    Tech Convert
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    Mar 2012


    I'm not sure about anyone else, but that'd eventually get on my nerves..

  7. #57
    Tech Guru Otacon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ JesC View Post
    holy Nikes! now thats a setup. bath salts are a hell'va drug.
    dude, totally agree, bath salts are a hell'va drug (and Nikes are pretty holy)
    If you don't have haters, you're not doing it right

  8. #58


    Quote Originally Posted by Early Birds View Post
    I'm not sure about anyone else, but that'd eventually get on my nerves..
    Not sure what you mean.. the fact that it doesnt look generic? or the UV aspect to it.

    I dont hold monetary value to gear.. so Im not worried about not being able to sell it. I personally feel closer to my stuff and see them less as generic music hardware and midi controllers anyone uses. Kind of like the reason why guitars have different bodies but use the same pick ups. Or people who use colored control vinyl LOL( as if it makes a difference).
    One might argue or suspect drugs have a large influence on doing this. Ive done my fair share in the 90s. I blame it all on MTV, more than 12 years working there doing animation I lost the ability to think rationally... If you think it, make it... And what you see here is only the tip of the iceberg. The rabbit hole runs much deeper than you can imagine
    Originally Posted by Oliosky
    I love my mommy's milk

  9. #59
    DJTT Dominator JesC's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by djfrogstar View Post
    Not sure what you mean.. the fact that it doesnt look generic? or the UV aspect to it.

    I dont hold monetary value to gear.. so Im not worried about not being able to sell it. I personally feel closer to my stuff and see them less as generic music hardware and midi controllers anyone uses. Kind of like the reason why guitars have different bodies but use the same pick ups. Or people who use colored control vinyl LOL( as if it makes a difference).
    One might argue or suspect drugs have a large influence on doing this. Ive done my fair share in the 90s. I blame it all on MTV, more than 12 years working there doing animation I lost the ability to think rationally... If you think it, make it... And what you see here is only the tip of the iceberg. The rabbit hole runs much deeper than you can imagine
    Im with you on making your gear personal. I used colored control vinyl that usually has music or side A. Well except of the glow in the dark serato vinyl, that is for pure looks.
    Controllerist: Think different | SoundCloud | MixCloud | Twitter |

  10. #60
    Tech Convert
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    I like your idea of making your gear personal, and personally I do like it. But, I just don't think i'd be able to handle that all the time? if you understand me..

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