Sennheiser HD 25-C-II
Sennheiser HD 25-C-II
Maybe try the My Little Carbine, it uses AR-15 bullets:
In all seriousness, can we avoid firearms discussion if possible please. It always just ends in massive arguments due to the gulf of opinion across the Atlantic.
TSP 2 | Serato DJ | Live 8 | MBP (SSD + HDD) | AIAIA TMA-1 Fool's Gold Edition | 1200 Mk2s | MidiFighter | KRK RP5
Xone: DB4 | Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus
DJTT FAQ | Read my guide to AUDIO CABLES
I've had a saved eBay search on the 10s for well over a year, still yet to pull the trigger! How is it?
TSP 2 | Serato DJ | Live 8 | MBP (SSD + HDD) | AIAIA TMA-1 Fool's Gold Edition | 1200 Mk2s | MidiFighter | KRK RP5
Xone: DB4 | Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus
DJTT FAQ | Read my guide to AUDIO CABLES
Oh and my latest purchase is a xone k2 from another forum member, should arrive tomorrow!
TSP 2 | Serato DJ | Live 8 | MBP (SSD + HDD) | AIAIA TMA-1 Fool's Gold Edition | 1200 Mk2s | MidiFighter | KRK RP5
Xone: DB4 | Pioneer CDJ-2000 Nexus
DJTT FAQ | Read my guide to AUDIO CABLES
Grime free Major Lazer dollars and Best of Skratchy Seal record.
Finally junking my computer speakers!
I had to buy the beer