They will most likley do something g for you. Val, the owner is awesome. Get at him on or find a contact on their website.
They will most likley do something g for you. Val, the owner is awesome. Get at him on or find a contact on their website.
just bought myself a new mountain bike.
2013 Santa Cruz Highball Aluminum
i recently purchased a chicken pizza and unfortunately i could not snap its pic as i already ate it
Last edited by EloiseLajoie; 05-14-2013 at 02:15 AM.
APC80:STR8-100's+Ortofon Concorde Scratch\Electro:ButterRugz:TSP2-NI Audio4DJ:Xone22+Innofader:MacBook Pro 15"
Got these today. Setting them up after work tonight.
Just bought my first set up which consist of numark tt500 and numark m3. Got the entire set for 200. So i guess not bad for a beginner
2 recent additions
VCM100 / X1 / DJM250 / DJM900 / CDJ2000s / Maschine / Audio2+4 / 2i4 / HS8s / TSP 2.6.8
Macbook Air i7-3667U+8GB 10.9 / Win7x64 i5-3570k+24GB
So far this year....
Got my Live 9 Suite that I upgraded to last year.
got this for my birthday: Blue Yeti USB microphone
Then I bought a boom for it.
Other than that, some PC games and music to listen to and DJ with.
And a computer case for gaming.
DJ Setup: MacBook Pro, TSP 2.5, (2) Stanton STR8-100, Ecler NUO4, Kontrol X1, Kontrol F1, Stanton DJ Pro 2000 headphones, Ortofon Nightclub needles.
adding to my musical collection:
Dj F.a.R.h.A.n
hip hop, house, reggaeton, dancehall, afrobeats, and international.