Stockhausen Helikopter-Quartett and one of the 50 limited edition Of Microcosmic Origins CDs.
Stockhausen Helikopter-Quartett and one of the 50 limited edition Of Microcosmic Origins CDs.
finally joined the club!!!
should arrive tomorrow
Acer E5 i7 16GB 512SSD 2TBHD ~ WIN 10 ~ TSP 2.11 ~ AUDIO 6 ~ DUAL X1s ~ DN-X1600 ~ SPECTRA ~ TWISTER ~ ATH-PRO500 MK2 ~ ZED6FX ~ AT2020
" I’m the Dude, so that’s what you call me. That or, uh His Dudeness, or uh Duder, or El Duderino, if you’re not into the whole brevity thing. "
should be here in a few days.
DJ Setup: MacBook Pro, TSP 2.5, (2) Stanton STR8-100, Ecler NUO4, Kontrol X1, Kontrol F1, Stanton DJ Pro 2000 headphones, Ortofon Nightclub needles.
i've bought too much music stuff in the last month or so: let's hp i5 laptop, x1, vci-400 ege with mono bag, krk limited edition grey rokit 8s, and a maschine with free krk rokit 5s.
thinking about adding a small sub and i should be good for a while.
tsp 2.5 | vci-400 ege | mfspectra | kontrol x1s | rokit 8s (ferrari grey) | krk 10 sub | audio 8hp dv6 - i5 - 8gb | maschine | mpk49 | apc40 | rokit 5s | technics sl-1200mk3ds | cdj100sthread of free music
4 of 'em. Got 36,000 miles out of my last set (T1Rs…which are rated for 15k) and decided to go year-round performance instead of summer performance this time……mostly because I'm not driving nearly as fast……and they're 25% cheaper.
and some associated stuff (atomizers, cartomizers, chargers, adapters to use the stuff I already have, and another try at red bull flavored juice…and a little collar thing to cover up those exposed threads and make it look more like it's supposed to have the tank).
I got into vaping in May to cut down on cigarettes and have basically forgotten that my beloved lucky strikes exist for weeks at a time. Life already feels so much less tiring and the inside of my head doesn't taste like shit at the end of the day.
If you're a smoker and want to cut back or change to something healthier, I highly suggest vaping. Just do not buy your starter kit at a kiosk in a mall or a head shop……their gear is overpriced, absolute crap, or most often both.
To learn the ropes on til I can afford cdjs
Denon DN-X1600.Traktor X1.Macbook.
Didn't purchase, but a new addition to my DJ setup
If you don't have haters, you're not doing it right