^^^ hope you don't use the camera much. Test it if you do
^^^ hope you don't use the camera much. Test it if you do
The MUSIC is what matters!
Everything else is _________
So far so good. Definitely better then my bold 9900...
- 15.4" MBP 2.7 i7 - Macbook 13" - Allen&Heath Xone92R - V-Moda Crossfade LP - Pioneer HDJ-2000 - Traktor Pro2 - Xone k2 - NI Maschine - Ableton Live Suite 9 -
Sound Cloud : http://soundcloud.com/alexandercocar
New fixed headlights for my car, pop ups are a pain in the ass.
64 Gig
I'm probably the only Apple fanboy in the world who hates the iPhone 5. I might do one more 4s when my current phone kicks the bucket, but I'm pretty sure I'm jumping to Android.
Oh, killer. I didn't realize the C6 lights would fit. (Or that they made a fixed style for the C5 - whichever)
I had a Fiero a while back that loved to give me headlight problems. Either they wouldn't go up, or wouldn't go down, or would go up, then slam down when I hit a bump. Cheap to fix, but a pain in the ass none-the-less. New car's got self-adjusting xenons, which are worlds better, but I'll be looking at almost a grand each if I ever have to replace those bastards.
Yeah these are based off the lights made for the Corvette C5R Racer. Cost about $350 after shipping to get them from California to Toronto. They weigh collectively about 30lbs less than the motorized popups.
Pop ups when they work are the coolest things ever, but they're so painfully unreliable. Fixing mine would have cost about $1000 too, that's too much for a cosmetic fix that will likely go wrong again imo. Fieros are cool though, every time I see one these days (rarely) I actually get excited. Mid engine Pontiac, totally cool.