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  1. #951
    Tech Mentor
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    Great deck for my car. Just got this along with some highly average speakers for my winter beater. Can't wait to put the good stuff (along with this deck) in the summer whip in April.

  2. #952
    Tech Guru mostapha's Avatar
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    I finally got around to upgrading my MBP to 16GB ram and adding a 240GB SSD in place of the optical drive (which was broken anyway…never got around to having it repaired).

    It still doesn't look like much, but it's kind of awesome so far. The install was as painless as any upgrade I've ever done.

  3. #953
    Tech Guru Liambo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JDFS View Post
    Congrats! Like what kind of reasons?
    Reasons are quite simple really..

    DB2: I would have always kicked myself for not buying the DB4 and later down the line end up buying the DB4.

    DB4: This was the serious contender but at the end of the day i sat and thought about it. Even though i love the build quality of the A&H's the faders are just that little bit too long for me. I don't enjoy using them as much. I wouldn't have the Send/Return for my RMX and also not have the 'On Air' part with my CDJ2000's (No biggie but still a factor). Final thing - Traktor Certification, not really an issue, just a positive for the 900.

    DJM2000: I don't know, i've always wanted it since it came out but in the end i opted for the DJM900 after testing them both at WestendDJ. I still prefer the 2000 but i'm quite happy with my decision.

  4. #954
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    I was having similar problems to you when deciding on a mixer Liambo.

    And all the pros and cons you have listed were seriously considered.

    In the end, I went for the DB4. I decided that the DJM 900 wasn't enough of an upgrade over the 800 I had just sold to warrant the extra cost. Only just had it set up, so not done a serious mix yet, but had a play with a couple mappings, and a quick attempt at getting scratch up and running (not a Traktor guy, so need to figure that bit out).

    Also bought a reloop contour controller for loading up tracks to the DB4, as I have yet to purchase new CDJ's (wish they would hurry up and nexus the 900's, lol).

    I did VERY nearly buy the 900 just so I could hook up an RMX to it, but then decided that the DB4 effects were better than anything I had heard from a Pioneer anyway, so decided to go A&H instead.

    Happy. Very.
    Technics 1210 mk2's, Pioneer CDJ 500, Allen & Heath DB4, NI F1's (x2), Reloop Contour Controller Edition, Sennheiser HD25 1-II or Allen & Heath XD2-53's depending on my mood...

    Mixcloud : xs2man - Latest Mix: Latest Mix 13-10-2016

  5. #955
    Tech Mentor JayRuss's Avatar
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    Been on some MAJOR RGAS in the past 3 weeks


    This is my favourite purchase, 2 x techncis 1210's, DDM400 , and all blue flightcases to go with them

    also bought an A10 (thanks to Itchy Gash of this site) and an x1 and case as well as SSL glow in the dark CV's , which was only for aesthetics , i dont even own a ssl box :P

  6. #956
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    Got an early x-mas gift for myself

    And one for my buddy
    - 15.4" MBP 2.7 i7 - Macbook 13" - Allen&Heath Xone92R - V-Moda Crossfade LP - Pioneer HDJ-2000 - Traktor Pro2 - Xone k2 - NI Maschine - Ableton Live Suite 9 -

    Sound Cloud :

  7. #957
    Tech Mentor The Pancaker's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xonetacular View Post
    Yeah I have an M&P 15-22 on my wishlist as well. A while back I had an M&P 15R which was cool but the closest outdoor range is like an hour from me and it seems kind of a waste to shoot rifles in short indoor ranges.
    Agree. Indoor ranges are lame... (not that I've been to any... I just wish I had guns to justify going to a range.. :/ ). I'd still like to be able to move instead of being absolutely stationary.

    My latest purchase:
    HP Envy 14 Beats Edition, Traktor Pro 2, NI Kontrol S4, NI Kontrol X1, NI Kontrol F1, AIAIA TMA-1

  8. #958
    Tech Guru Cybertrash's Avatar
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    Stockholm, Sweden


    I bought a cute little flash for my camera, cost about a quid (10SEK), not terribly powerful but it should work well enough.

    Quote Originally Posted by earl panda View Post
    iŽll quote you in 5 years and we both will have a good laugh while we are at this awsome dj battle on mars trying to finally beat the damned 1000 armed alien squid "dj squid master". his routines are sick!

  9. #959
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    Newest addition, John Talabot's "ƒIN"

  10. #960
    Tech Mentor fitzyp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BuRdTuRd View Post
    Newest addition, John Talabot's "ƒIN"

    Macbook Pro : Traktor Pro 2 : VCI 400SE : Maschine : Midifighter Classic : Akai MPKmini : Akai MPD16 custom : Komplete Audio 6 : VCI 100SE Arcade #87/100 : Check out my mixes at

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