2.2 Eq FX
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Thread: 2.2 Eq FX

  1. #1

    Default 2.2 Eq FX

    just wondering how some users are utilizing the eq fx modes.

    what advantages have you found using eq fx?

    I still find myself working exclusively with the effect bank knobs.

  2. #2


    I really don't like them as without soft takover working its pretty useless ... Possibly only beneficial for people using external mixer
    M I S T E R M O L E Y M O L E
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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by MisterMoleyMole View Post
    I really don't like them as without soft takover working its pretty useless ... Possibly only beneficial for people using external mixer
    my thoughts exactly.

    anyone know if the final tsi and overlays will have variations?

  4. #4
    Tech Guru basspenetrator's Avatar
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    hey there.. could you please explain shortly what you mean with EQ FX?
    i don't own a vci (yet), but curious to know it.. (and if i could maybe use it with my current controller)

    laying effects only on certain eqs? that would be awesome..

    Last edited by basspenetrator; 04-24-2009 at 04:43 PM.

  5. #5
    Tech Mentor Flaekiface's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MisterMoleyMole View Post
    I really don't like them as without soft takover working its pretty useless
    Why is it actually that soft takeover dosent work? Its a big problem with the faders and EQ's when using the 4-decks setup on the vci-100 (2.2 tsi).

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by weltraumpapst View Post
    hey there.. could you please explain shortly what you mean with EQ FX?
    i don't own a vci (yet), but curious to know it.. (and if i could maybe use it with my current controller)

    laying effects only on certain eqs? that would be awesome..

    sorry if the original post was vague, EQ fx is a term coined by ean to describe a feature that has been added to the latest VCI-100 TSI file released by djtt. Through the use of a modifier (correct me if im wrong), eq fx mode turns all the eq knobs into extra fx controls. as mentioned earlier though this might be a bit of a problem when mixing internally with the vci-100. Things can get very messy when trying to eq 3 or 4 tracks as well as use those same knobs for effects. Im sure when or if I can afford an external mixer, this feature will come in handy until then, any suggestions on how to use the extra button and modifer mapped to eq fx?

    : also, I dont see any reason this type of fx control in traktor pro couldnt be applied to the majority of midi devices out there.
    Last edited by sm00sh; 04-25-2009 at 11:22 AM.

  7. #7
    Tech Guru basspenetrator's Avatar
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    thanks sm00sh, will see if i apply it to my bcd3k.. i want that vci!! ;-)

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Default might be a long shot.

    Quote Originally Posted by sm00sh View Post
    sorry if the original post was vague, EQ fx is a term coined by ean to describe a feature that has been added to the latest VCI-100 TSI file released by djtt. Through the use of a modifier (correct me if im wrong), eq fx mode turns all the eq knobs into extra fx controls. as mentioned earlier though this might be a bit of a problem when mixing internally with the vci-100. Things can get very messy when trying to eq 3 or 4 tracks as well as use those same knobs for effects. Im sure when or if I can afford an external mixer, this feature will come in handy until then, any suggestions on how to use the extra button and modifer mapped to eq fx?

    : also, I dont see any reason this type of fx control in traktor pro couldnt be applied to the majority of midi devices out there.

    Hey smoosh just ran into this response of yours and I know its been a while but I am now in a external mixing xone 92 + traktor X1 mk2 situatuon where Id love to eq the effects before they leave the software.

    can you help me out please??


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